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Old 25 Nov 2011, 07:26   #149
Deena J
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Originally Posted by SueL
Deena ~ I hope by now the bronchitis is history. It's not fun; I know.

Despite being ill, you did indeed come up with a great idea for the jewelry!

I'm wondering if you could perhaps find a compartmentalized box to place on the longest shelf for your beads? My go-to store is a nearby crafts store - I can usually pick up imaginative finds there. It's too bad that the, um, contraption isn't a bit wider. If so, an ice cube tray would probably work well. Well, I'm sure you'll come up with something.

Sue, thanks for the well wishes. Im still trying to get rid of this chest-bruising cough; but other than that, I feel better... :)

As for a way to store the upcoming beads, an idea just hit me. A simple aluminum bead-sorting tray on that long shelf.... Ta-da!!!!! LOL

Can't wait to get the beads!!!!!!
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