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Old 24 Nov 2011, 20:12   #148
Super Loafer
Join Date: 11.04.2011
Location:  Northeastern PA, USA
Posts: 224

Deena ~ I hope by now the bronchitis is history. It's not fun; I know.

Despite being ill, you did indeed come up with a great idea for the jewelry!

I'm wondering if you could perhaps find a compartmentalized box to place on the longest shelf for your beads? My go-to store is a nearby crafts store - I can usually pick up imaginative finds there. It's too bad that the, um, contraption isn't a bit wider. If so, an ice cube tray would probably work well. Well, I'm sure you'll come up with something.

I can't wait to purchase a supply of Murano beads myself.

Right now, I'm wearing a Pandora necklace with a wolf and a rose, and it feels so good! Not to mention that it looks awesome. :) When I say it feels good, it's because I feel as though I'm wearing a page from Meat's biography around my neck.

I'm so with Caryl when I say I simply do not understand the lack of interest in this line of jewelry. I think you could probably search the net for hours and not find the quality of our line at the incredibly low prices we are asking!

Anyway, I'm happy that you are enjoying your pieces.
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