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Old 15 Nov 2011, 14:16   #135
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 16.04.2003
Location: Sheffield UK
Posts: 5,910

I'm really pleased you like what you have so much Cherry :)

The rings are Tibetan silver .. ie an alloy containing silver but not solid sterling. We have some at $1.50-2.00 which were a donation, and are lightweight but still pretty .. and some for around $6 which are much heavier and more solid, and are still good value. Some of our necklaces and bracelets are silver plated, but we also have some hallmarked sterling ones which are solid silver and very reasonably priced, absolute bargains really :) We don't have the overheads that stores have, need to pay no wages , and simply add a little to the cost of each item for the charity on the basis we'd rather sell more for low margins than sell a few for larger ones And that's working out

This is a new pendant in the range we will be getting on-line soon .. The Giving Tree :) And that will be available on either a silver plated or a sterling chain

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