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Old 01 Sep 2011, 14:31   #25
Super Loafer
Join Date: 11.04.2011
Location:  Northeastern PA, USA
Posts: 224

I can't possibly add anything more to what Caryl has reported, but do want to highlight this point:

To paraphrase the man we follow .. Thank you, you made us what we are!! To quote a camper, "It was the best week of my life - I am not kidding! .. It was just magical, everything was amazing. The counsellors, the camp, the people. It was so awesome."

I can tell you that being part of the Loafdom for the Turtle team is one of the most soul-enriching endeavors I've ever been involved in, and as someone who lived the explosion of BOOH onto the scene in 1977, I've been around for quite some time!

The quote from the camper says it all, and simply buying a wristband and/or one of the treats from our store, and passing the word about this cause will instill a warm and cozy feeling in your heart as well.
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