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Old 12 Sep 2010, 19:02   #66
I hope your salmon sucks!
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Originally Posted by Steve6 View Post
I'm happy that you came out and told us the facts, because to be fair to us fans we don't always get the right side of the story until you come out and tell us. I wasn't posting facts when I was writing the stuff I wrote, instead I was looking to validate the facts I had. A lot of the stuff that happened between 1978 and 81 have been told in many different ways by many different people.
I feel sorry for Jim to be honest. BFG makes him look greedy, and a glory seeker, but it looked to me like he spent his whole career being pushed into doing things by the people around him, or influenced by others would be a better way of putting it, who wanted to use him. Maybe he was advised wrongly to push ahead and do BFG on his own by Sonenberg or someone else. When I listen to BFG the songs lack the perfection that you would assoicate with every Jim Steinman song released before it and after. I don't know why I think it, but I always got the feeling his heart wasn't in the right place when doing that album, and you would know it by listening to it.
I'm getting the impression Jim is being "pushed" MUCH more now then he was in those days.

I also don't hear the lack of perfection that you are on about. I think the BFG production is superb and only lacked Meat on vocals but it was interesting hearing some Steinman vocals too, I don't think he is such a terrible singer as many here seem to think. Dance in my pants was too childish imo and Stark Raving love was about nothing really, but at least we got a great guitar duel. Other than that it's a great collection of songs and the production on Left in the Dark / Surf's Up and Bad for Good is pretty much perfect I'd say, though the Brian May intro on Meat's version on BFG was a lovely touch. Rory singing on most of the difficult songs ("Surf's Up" in G!!!) is a bit of a farce though. Can't believe they got away with doing that.
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