Thread: Pearl
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Old 28 Jun 2010, 03:52   #46
Rage Against
Join Date: 31.10.2009
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Originally Posted by Pudding View Post
Some people believe in coincidences and some don't, I'm one that doesn't. Had she got a gig as a backing singer prior to Meat Loaf then my opinion would be completely different. He opened the door for her, and as a father I can't blame him, but lets not pretend that she got the gig just purely on merit.
But that's not what we're discussing here. The point being debated was that she got a head start because of Meat Loaf. Being a back-up since 1994 isn't a head start in my opinion.

Now, you're second point. So if Pearl sang like a scalded cat, you think she would have gotten the gig anyway. Come on, she had to be able to sing to get the gig, whether Meat Loaf was her dad or not. Now, did she get the gig partly because Meat's her dad? Of course. But she had to be able to sing as well. And, you still can't say she would never have gotten any back-up gig with any band. You don't know that. But more importantly, why am I having to defend this point. I'm with Slice on this one (and we don't agree too often). Why even bring up whether or not she's earned her spot? It's just not needed. Just my opinion.
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