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Old 09 Mar 2010, 21:27   #88
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 18.06.2003
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Also love the following from DIMP:

Don't you worry, baby, everything'll be fine
We got nothing but the best and we got nothing but time
And there'll always be a time when they'll be waiting in line
To be dancing, dancing


We can rock it really hard or we can roll it really slow
We can lift it really high or we can dip it really low
We can hold it in tight or we can let it all out
Or we can work up a sweat and really stomp it and shout
Let me pull you so close and then we'll break away fast
We'll be the best on the floor we got the cool and the flash
We'll make a dangerous turn but we'll come out of it fine
I know the best of the moves we'll get them right every time


And I don't ever want to be rescued, I don't ever want to be saved
I got a feeling that I'm gonna be alive forever
Dancing on the edge of a grave, dancing on the edge of a grave

but a lot of the rest of the song is just silly, but a great rock n roll tune nonetheless.
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