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Old 16 Sep 2006, 09:34   #56
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 17.01.2006
Location:  Amersfoort
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Well had a few hours to understand that Patti really left. I understand that after 13 years, she wants to go on. You cannot blame her for that! Afcourse i will mis her at RAH. She was so d.. good! The one that has to replace her, will have a real hard job to let us forget Patti. Personally i hope that she is not gonna be replaced at all. I cannot see CC or Marion Raven in her place. Nothing wrong about them, but they just are not good enough to sing and act like patti could imo.

Patti, i wish you all the best! And i am very said about the fact that we cannot say goodbye to you, and wish you the best at RAH. You derserve that! A mail is not enough to thank you! I hope that you change youre mind so that we can personally thank you also for the great years you have given us.
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