Shoutbox Archive
21 Feb 2008 23:43
The only powers I have and not too often either are powers of suggestion...
21 Feb 2008 23:37
duke knooby
with your powers?? anythings possible
21 Feb 2008 23:34
Do I look like I can infract you???
21 Feb 2008 23:19
duke knooby
sorry... no offence
21 Feb 2008 23:19
duke knooby
lol... oh yeah forgot
21 Feb 2008 23:17
The Flying Mouse
If we can't send it via PM, we infract with a rotten tomato
21 Feb 2008 23:14
duke knooby
leaving no room for infraction pm's
21 Feb 2008 23:13
duke knooby
made space for 2.. 1 in and 1 out
21 Feb 2008 23:06
How many Pms you left space for? One? Knooby, it's full again...
21 Feb 2008 22:26
Much obliged senior Knooby...
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