View Full Version : Funny Stories

White of High
16 Jan 2003, 17:05
I wait you favourite funny stories and jokes.
Here is one of my favourite:

The chicken lay a 1/2 kilos egg. TV, Radio and The Press is coming out making interviews:
- What a fantastic world record! How could you do it?
- It's secret of family.
- And what do you want in the future?
- I want lay a 1 kilo egg.
The TV, Radio and Press makes an interview with the rooster too:
- What a fantastic world record! How could you do it?
- It's secret of family.
- And what do you want in the future?
- I will kick the asssss of the ostrich... :lol:

16 Jan 2003, 19:35
he he... good one :lol:
Unfortunately, I am SO bad in remembering jokes... :?

17 Jan 2003, 00:17
Not really a joke or funny story, but still pretty funny:

The politics over here in Holland. My god, we have got the only real Harry Potter as Premier!!! :lol:

17 Jan 2003, 12:28
yeah, he he.. but not for long, after the election in January, I honestly don't think he'll be prime minister again...

17 Jan 2003, 22:23
I absolutely hope that he won't be prime minister from the Netherlands. He is selfish. He doen't care about the poor people.

18 Jan 2003, 23:02
Tell you what - i'll swap you Tony Blair for your PM. :twisted:

and i'll even throw in Gordon Brown for free :lol: :lol:


The Flying Mouse
19 Jan 2003, 03:13
:twisted: Somebody,PLEASE,anybody take John Prescott.
I can't take much more.

19 Jan 2003, 15:02
Well, I don't like our PM, but I don't want Tony Blair either :D

19 Jan 2003, 15:25
Indeed, No Tony Blair, or what about Bush.......oh my god......those American's. Talking about bad luck!!!

White of High
19 Jan 2003, 15:42

Tony Blair and Bush are TERRORISTS!!! :twisted:
If I begin to say about Hungarian politics... :o

The Flying Mouse
19 Jan 2003, 16:28
:twisted: England must be the most international country in the world.
Our judges take their orders from the European courts,and our Prime Minister takes his orders from America :( .
I wish that we could sell our goverment on e bay :idea: .

19 Jan 2003, 16:43
ahahahah, you're very funny Flying Mouse. But what a briljant idea is that!!!! :devil:

White of High
19 Jan 2003, 17:07

I think the last Flying Mouse post wasn't funny... perhaps ironic!

But Girls & Boys! Give me funny stories!!!

19 Jan 2003, 17:13
It is very funny, I also want to sell our Prime Minister, and offcourse Mat Herben. Maybe we can mail e-bay.

19 Jan 2003, 17:41
Well, i do think it is funny. But what funny stories do you want WOH?

I mean, have a lot of them........but don't know if you want them here.

I don't know if you like them of think they are funny:

Allright, my parents have a little rabbit (called Boris), with his ears hanging down, don't know the english name, and he loves a huge Budda statue that they have in the livingroom. And today it was very funny, i was with my parents, and he was lying on the knees / nap of that Budda statue thing. Very funny to see.

Another very stupid story, a few days ago i got so drunk, that i totaly lost the way back to my home. It is around 5 minutes on your bike, from the city of Nijmegen to my house in Nijmegen, but it took me and a friend around 1 hour to find our way back!!!

Funny enough?

The Flying Mouse
19 Jan 2003, 18:24
:twisted: I think White Of High wants some jokes.
In responce to Tim's last post...
A group of my old friends went to town for a night out.I couln't go because I was working :cry: .But I was told that one of them,Gavin couldn't get in because he was wearing trainers.He was the last one to the door so nobody knew that he couldn't get in.He started walking home,and the next thing he knew,some guy was telling him to wake up because he wanted to move his car.Gavin had fallen asleep under a parked car 8O .The guy told him it was dangerous to sleep under cars :oops: .So Gavin started walking again.This time,he woke up on a roof.He has no idea how he came to be in either place :lol: .He got home in the end.

24 Jan 2003, 19:59
A few reviewers from a Kasim Sulton fansite were telling on a review from Night Of The Proms that they liked the music from a dutch singer Rob de Nijs. They don't understand why Kasim isn't making a song from that music.

The funny part of this story is that they don't know the lyrics, and the lyrics are a little strange. The dutch people know what I mean.