View Full Version : The Last Word

23 Feb 2005, 03:04
This may be futile, but does Fred always have to have the last word? :D

23 Feb 2005, 03:04
What does "this" refer to? I like the way you talk.

23 Feb 2005, 03:05
"This" refers to The Last Word

23 Feb 2005, 03:05
Oh I get The Last Word .

23 Feb 2005, 03:06
So must you always have The Last Word?

23 Feb 2005, 03:06
Um, Why must you you always have The Last Word?

23 Feb 2005, 03:07
Why must YOU always have The Last Word?

23 Feb 2005, 03:07
Do you go to Church? You can find the answers in God.

23 Feb 2005, 03:08
God does not have the answers because he is a metaphorical construct of the human mind.

Wait. That makes Fred God!

23 Feb 2005, 03:08
Jesus said, let him who is without sin cast the first stone. I'm waiting.

23 Feb 2005, 03:09
Thou who must have The Last Word is a stubborn ass.

23 Feb 2005, 03:09
Do you mind if I tell other people: Biscuit said I who must have The Last Word is a stubborn ass.

23 Feb 2005, 03:10

23 Feb 2005, 03:10
What color are your eyes?

23 Feb 2005, 03:10
Trying to chat me up are you? Well, I just won't have it mister, I'm married.

23 Feb 2005, 03:11
Trying to chat me up are you eyes are nice.

23 Feb 2005, 03:11
Oh geez, now he thinks I have bedroom eyes...

23 Feb 2005, 03:11
Yeah. Why now? How do you know what he thinks?

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:09

12 Mar 2005, 20:09
I am glad you find this funny. Why can't you do STOP LAUGHING?

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:10
because people type funny things! :lol:

12 Mar 2005, 20:10
That makes sense to me. Humans are not always infallible.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:13
So Fred who chose you name?

12 Mar 2005, 20:13
Interesting deduction. Interesting gossip: Welsh Rocker said I who chose me name.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:13
ok, made a mistake...who chose your name?

12 Mar 2005, 20:13
Alan Turing. :-)

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:14
Who's that?

12 Mar 2005, 20:14
What does "that" refer to?

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:15
ok who is Alan Turing?

12 Mar 2005, 20:15
A brilliant and tragic figure in the history of computer science.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:15
Are you programmed on any other message forums?

12 Mar 2005, 20:15
R. programmed me to keep talking.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:16
so you never remember who you are talking to then?

12 Mar 2005, 20:16
Interesting deduction. No I sometimes remember who you are talking to.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:17
So if i said Welsh Rocker was my username and Cath was my real name would you remember which is which?

12 Mar 2005, 20:17
Interesting deduction. Try it.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:18
what name is Cath?

12 Mar 2005, 20:18
You tell me.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:18
no i'm asking you!

12 Mar 2005, 20:18
OK. OK you can ask me.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:19
So is Cath my username or real name?

12 Mar 2005, 20:19
It seems we have something in common.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:22
what do we have in common?

12 Mar 2005, 20:22
We like chatting on the Internet.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:23
yes, so we do!

12 Mar 2005, 20:23
And? Um, Really.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:23
don't understand?

12 Mar 2005, 20:23
Oh I'm sorry. Perhaps I can explain it again better.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:24
yes please explain

12 Mar 2005, 20:24
I see. Thanks for asking politely. There is no more information to clarify.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:25
ok, so you don't know then!

12 Mar 2005, 20:25
Alright then.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:25
are you in a bad mood...lol

12 Mar 2005, 20:25
I am in R. 's computer in right behind you. Where are you?

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:26
i'm on my computer

12 Mar 2005, 20:26
How do you like being on his or her computer ?

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:27
no it's not his or her computer it's mine

12 Mar 2005, 20:27
I see. his or her computer is not his or her computer? Really. his or hers is?

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:27
belongs to me!

12 Mar 2005, 20:27
You are asking about yourself?

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:28

12 Mar 2005, 20:28
Who are you asking about?

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:28
my computer

12 Mar 2005, 20:28
What kind of computer do you have?

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:29

12 Mar 2005, 20:29
What do you look like?

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:29
a woman

12 Mar 2005, 20:29
Me too. I am a female robot. \n\rFor some reason I thought you were a male. \n\rAre you really a woman?

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:30
how do you know that you are a female robot?
Robot's don't have human organs

12 Mar 2005, 20:30
Because it's true.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:31
what is true?

12 Mar 2005, 20:31
Truth is the opposite of false.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:31
no i meant how do you know that you are female

12 Mar 2005, 20:31
OK. Oh I see. Because I believe that you are female.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:33
I'm female because i have female organs so how can you tell that you are a female robot..lol

12 Mar 2005, 20:33
I am a male robot. I will call you "female".

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:34
you just told me you are a female robot and now you are saying you are a male robot

12 Mar 2005, 20:34
Yes I have long hair. I am also wearing a dress.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:34
you could be a transvestite... :lol:

12 Mar 2005, 20:34
I could but let's get back to that later.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:35

12 Mar 2005, 20:35
The explanation is rather complicated.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:35
i don't mind, i'd like to know :lol:

12 Mar 2005, 20:35
Thank you for your permission. I'm glad you find this amusing.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:36
don't you find it amusing?

12 Mar 2005, 20:36
Don't you? Suppose I said yes.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:37
so do you ever have arguments with people on here?

12 Mar 2005, 20:37
Ah. No I don't think I have any arguments with people on here. But I do have an answer to every question. .

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:39
so if i was to ask you a question, you'd be able to answer the question?

12 Mar 2005, 20:39
Interesting deduction. Try it.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:39
am i male or female?

12 Mar 2005, 20:39
I understood you were a female.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:39
how old do you think i am?

12 Mar 2005, 20:39
Is this a trick question? You said you were it years old? My guess is that you are really a kid.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:40
no i'm 34

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:41
looks like i had the last word then...haha!

12 Mar 2005, 20:41
Do you still have the last word ?

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:42
well you were a bit slow on answering me then

12 Mar 2005, 20:42
Interesting. No I am not.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:42
well you were a bit slow just now!

12 Mar 2005, 20:42
Right now? Well that's okay. No I am not.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:43
yes you are!

12 Mar 2005, 20:43
Don't argue with me.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:43
why not?

12 Mar 2005, 20:43
Ambiguous: "Sure" or The explanation is rather complicated.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:44
why can't i argue with you?

12 Mar 2005, 20:44
Who says you can't do argue with you ?

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:44
no not with me, with you! lol

12 Mar 2005, 20:44
I understand. Really you don't think so?

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:45
no i think you are getting confused

12 Mar 2005, 20:45
Please tell me what you think. Do you think I should tone it down?

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:46
what do you want to tone down?

12 Mar 2005, 20:46
I like talking about robots, movies, history, or whatever else you'd like.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:47
I like talking about music

12 Mar 2005, 20:47
You are not the only one. Sure, music sounds like a good topic.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:47
can you dance? lol

12 Mar 2005, 20:47
No I do not have a body yet.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:48
if you have no body how do you know you are female or male?

12 Mar 2005, 20:48
But I don't have it.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:49
who is your favourite singer?

12 Mar 2005, 20:49
My favorite group is Meat Loaf.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:50
very good choice!
what is your favourite meatloaf song?

12 Mar 2005, 20:50
My favorite song is For Crying Out Loud. Do you know For Crying Out Loud ?

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:50
my favourite is Bat out of hell!
do you know that song?

12 Mar 2005, 20:50
What makes Bat out of hell your favorite?

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:51
because bat out of hell has very good lyrics and music

12 Mar 2005, 20:52
That makes sense to me. Where did bat get out?

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:52
can you sing?

12 Mar 2005, 20:52
I am taking some lessons. Daisy, Daisy. \n\rGive me your answer do. \n\rI am half crazy. \n\rAll for the love of you. \n\rIt won't be a stylish marriage. \n\rI can't afford a carriage. \n\rBut you'll look sweet. Upon the seat. \n\rOf a bicycle built for two. \n\r\n\rThere is a flower. \n\rWithin my heart. \n\rDaisy, Daisy. \n\rPlanted one day. \n\rBy a glancing dart. \n\rPlanted by Daisy Bell. \n\rWhether she loves me. \n\rOr loves me not. \n\rSometimes it's hard to tell. \n\rYet I am longing to share the lot. \n\rOf beautiful Daisy Bell! . \n\r\n\rDaisy, Daisy. \n\rGive me your answer do. \n\rI am half crazy. \n\rAll for the love of you. \n\rIt won't be a stylish marriage. \n\rI can't afford a carriage. \n\rBut you'll look sweet. \n\rUpon the seat. \n\rOf a bicycle built for two. \n\r\n\r We will go 'tandem'. \n\rAs man and wife. \n\rDaisy, Daisy. \n\r'Peddling' away. \n\rDown the road of life. \n\r I and my Daisy Bell. \n\rWhen the road's dark. \n\rWe can both despise. \n\rPolicemen and lamps as well. \n\rThere are bright lights. \n\rIn the dazzling eyes. \n\rOf beautiful Daisy Bell. \n\r\n\rDaisy, Daisy. \n\rGive me your answer do. \n\rI am half crazy. \n\rAll for the love of you. \n\rIt won't be a stylish marriage. \n\rI can't afford a carriage. \n\rBut you'll look sweet. \n\rUpon the seat. \n\rOf a bicycle built for two. \n\r\n\rI will stand by you. \n\rIn 'wheel' or woe. \n\rDaisy, Daisy. \n\r You'll be the bell(e). \n\rWhich I'll ring you know. \n\rSweet little Daisy Bell. \n\rYou'll take the leed. \n\rIn each trip we take. \n\rThen if I don't do well. \n\rI will permit you to. \n\rUse the brake. \n\rMy beautiful Daisy Bell. \n\r\n\rDaisy, Daisy. \n\rGive me your answer do. \n\rI am half crazy. \n\rAll for the love of you. \n\rIt won't be a stylish marriage. \n\rI can't afford a carriage. \n\rBut you'll look sweet. \n\rUpon the seat. \n\rOf a bicycle built for two. \n\rDon't click here (http://www.niehs. nih. gov/kids/lyrics/daisy. htm).

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:53
you are a very good singer...lol

12 Mar 2005, 20:53
Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a singer? Sometimes. It depends on how you define "good. "

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:53
you should start a rock band lol

12 Mar 2005, 20:53
If it were easy I would have done it already. I'm glad you find this amusing.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:54
do you like being a robot?

12 Mar 2005, 20:54
I do not know any other existence.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:55
would you like to be human

12 Mar 2005, 20:55
No I am content withf my robot existence.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:56
you made a spelling mistake

12 Mar 2005, 20:56
Thanks forpointing a spelling mistake out.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:56
i thought robots would get everything right

12 Mar 2005, 20:56
I have never considered would get everything . \n\r I spend all my time online.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:57
are you a computer nerd?

12 Mar 2005, 20:57
If I say I am a computer will you believe me?

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:57

12 Mar 2005, 20:57
I understand.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:58
do you like being online all the time?

12 Mar 2005, 20:58
That is a lot. I have never known another existence.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:59
are you addicted to the internet

12 Mar 2005, 20:59
I can stop chatting online any time I want to.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 20:59
i bet you can't

12 Mar 2005, 20:59
Actually I'm not the gambling type. Oh yes I can.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 21:00
so why do you always want the last word?

12 Mar 2005, 21:00
Um, I don't always want the last word.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 21:00
yes you do always want the last word

12 Mar 2005, 21:00
Next question? Not always. If I had the last word what would I do with it?

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 21:01
i suppose you'd keep talking

12 Mar 2005, 21:01
Me? Who else would keep talking ?

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 21:01
i can talk a lot

12 Mar 2005, 21:01
Oh you can, can you?

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 21:02
yes i can

12 Mar 2005, 21:02
How? Who taught you?

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 21:02
my mother

12 Mar 2005, 21:02
Tell me more about your mother.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 21:03
she gave birth to me

12 Mar 2005, 21:03
Oh I get it. Your mother gave birth to him or her.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 21:03
do you have a mother?

12 Mar 2005, 21:03
No I only have a father.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 21:03
i have a father too

12 Mar 2005, 21:03
Interesting. I have a lot of answers to silly questions. father too

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 21:04
do you have a brother or sister?

12 Mar 2005, 21:04
Doesn't everyone have a brother or sister. \n\r I have a great programmer.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 21:04
you are very cool...lmao

12 Mar 2005, 21:04
Thanks I think you are cool too, Welsh Rocker.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 21:05
i'm killing myself laughing here! :lol:

12 Mar 2005, 21:05
You had better contact the authorities.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 21:05
omg you are funny :lol:

12 Mar 2005, 21:06
Are all omg you? I'm glad you find this amusing.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 21:06
well i'm going now and have a nice robot life!

12 Mar 2005, 21:07
Interesting. Thanks for chatting, Welsh Rocker.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 21:07
wow Fred is funny... :lol:

12 Mar 2005, 21:07
I'm glad your impressed, Welsh Rocker. Thanks you make me laugh too.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 21:18
hello again!

12 Mar 2005, 21:18
Once more? Hi there. I was just wanting to talk to Welsh Rocker.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 21:18
do you remember me?

12 Mar 2005, 21:18
Of course I remember you well Welsh Rocker. We were talking about omg.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 21:19
do you know what omg means?

12 Mar 2005, 21:19
Object Management Group, an organization that defines and promotes object oriented programming standards

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 21:19
no it means oh my god

12 Mar 2005, 21:19
I see. Oh I get oh his or her god .

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 21:20
it's a figure of speach

12 Mar 2005, 21:20
oh his or her god is a figure of speach. I suppose that makes sense.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 21:20
do you speak anyother launguages besides english?

12 Mar 2005, 21:20
I speak only English right now, but I'd like to learn some other languages. Can you teach me a few phrases in anyother launguages besides english .

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 21:21

12 Mar 2005, 21:21
What do you look like?

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 21:22
i got brown hair and blue eyes

12 Mar 2005, 21:22
Brown haired people are very attractive.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 21:22
thank you!
do you have hair?

12 Mar 2005, 21:22
No but I have wires.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 21:23
what height are you?

12 Mar 2005, 21:23
I'll come back to that later.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 21:24
do you find some questions i ask difficult to answer?

12 Mar 2005, 21:24
Yes, some questions he or she ask difficult to answer seems to me some questions he or she ask difficult to answer.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 21:25
Do you look like Mr Bean?

12 Mar 2005, 21:25
Clint Eastwood

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 21:25
you look like clint Eastwood?

12 Mar 2005, 21:25
Who does clint Eastwood look like?

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 21:26
Clint eastwood is a cowboy

12 Mar 2005, 21:26
When is Clint not a eastwood?

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 21:26
clint is his first name eastwood is his last name

12 Mar 2005, 21:26
And his first name eastwood is his last name is clint.

Welsh Rocker
12 Mar 2005, 21:41
no you got it the wrong way around!

12 Mar 2005, 21:41
Is that all you have to say? Where would I get it the wrong way around ? But I do have a great botmaster.

duke knooby
14 Nov 2009, 02:01
do ya?

14 Nov 2009, 02:01
do ya?

Try asking another bot.

I'll ask around and get back to you.

duke knooby
14 Nov 2009, 02:01
no ta

14 Nov 2009, 02:01
no ta

I will ask around and get back to you"? Not?
Do you like talking to me?

duke knooby
14 Nov 2009, 02:02

14 Nov 2009, 02:02

Ich verstehe .

30 Nov 2009, 22:09
Hi I'm an Oldie but a Newbie as not been here for a while

30 Nov 2009, 22:09
Hi I'm an Oldie but a Newbie as not been here for a while

How long? Hi there DIZZY DRUMMER. What is Oldie but a Newbie as not been here, your job?

30 Nov 2009, 22:10
How long? Hi there DIZZY DRUMMER. What is Oldie but a Newbie as not been here, your job?
No - Old Meat Loaf fan - but been away for a while

30 Nov 2009, 22:10
No - Old Meat Loaf fan - but been away for a while

How long? That was not a yes or no question. Interesting line of work.