View Full Version : GLOBAL FORUM RULES

02 Feb 2004, 19:20
In addition to the existing rules:

MLUKFC has put the following rules in place for all message boards to ensure enjoyment by all users. Our goal is to make sure these forums are a positive experience for everyone. Users who continue to violate the rules of posting messages in the message boards will be entered into a database of Banned Users. This information will include your IP address (a unique number assigned by your Internet provider), so we can track you and ban you, even if you post under multiple names and/or email addresses. Posting using someone else's alias is strictly prohibited.

The popularity of our forum necessitates MLUKFC to establish a more extensive list of rules for all forums. The establishment of these rules have been given much consideration by MLUKFC. These rules have been established to create a professional atmosphere in all of our forums. All persons posting in these forums should be treated with respect and in a manner which will create an enjoyable positive experience for all. These rules are not contestable.

MLUKFC has a selection of moderators who help patrol the posts and topics on these forums. These individuals have donated their time to assist us in making this a popular place to come share with fellow fans. Please keep this in mind and treat all moderators with the utmost respect. Though we strive to maintain the same objectives throughout these forums, it is impossible for us to always be consistent from one moderator or administrator to another. If you have a problem or have caught something you feel is in direct violation with the rules of MLUKFC, please email the webmaster.

The website staff reserves the right to remove any post, topic or person for any reason we see fit. No vulgar language or profanity
No threatening, abusive or harassing comments.
No slanderous or libelous posts.
Knowingly making false claims about a company, organization or an individual are prohibited.
No discussion or challenge to our editing policy are allowed within the forums.
If you disagree, or want clarification as to why a particular topic, post or individual was removed, you must contact us via PM. Moderators, administrators and staff will NOT respond to any inquiries or challenges of these rules or decisions on the public forum.
No advertising or product marketing. No excessive website ads. No commercial ads allowed.
Do not engage in "flame-wars" or excessive exchange of confrontational postings. Debate is important, but users should not try to "pick a fight."
No spamming.
Do not post the same message in every topic with different titles, but with the same message. Only post your message into the topic it most relates too.
While we encourage lively debate, we will not tolerate personal attacks.
Any person attacking another forum member, will receive a warning and may have their message edited or removed. Any future incident thereafter, will result in that member being removed from the forum at least for one week.
Members are to respect the designated TOPIC AREAS when posting their message.
Topics directed to a specific person can be considered off topic and will be deleted or edited by our moderators.
Forum rules and guidelines are not up for debate. This is not a democracy, but rather a private forum. Anyone openly debating the rules we have set in place will be removed. Moderators of this forum are not to be argued with when enforcing forum rules and guidelines. Anyone arguing with a Moderator against disciplinary measures will be removed from the forum. We reserve the right to delete any message for any or no reason whatsoever. You remain solely responsible for the content of your messages, and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless MLUKFC with respect to any claim based upon transmission of your message(s). We reserve the right to revoke your membership to the forum or disable your posting ability for any or no reason whatsoever.
We at this site also reserve the right to reveal your identity (or whatever information we know about you) in the event of a complaint or legal action arising from any message posted by you.

02 Feb 2006, 19:00
No account sharing allowed.

Do not share your login credentials.
Shared forum accounts will be removed/locked/banned instantly.

This rule is active as of now.

02 Feb 2006, 19:18
We ask you that do not disclose the contents of messages sent to you as a "Private Message", unless you have explicit permission to do so.
Please respect the sender's wish to keep a certain information private. It's most likely that the contents of a privately sent message would have been posted in a public area, if the sender would like to make it publically available.

Neglecting this may result in access privilege removal to the private messaging system.

19 Mar 2006, 14:41
Do not post PERSONAL INFORMATION (i.e. addresses, phone numbers, passwords, personal identification numbers, images) or any other information considered private without the explicit permission of the individual.