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Old 03 Mar 2018, 20:58   #6776
trying to be realistic
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The Ritual (2017)

If it wasn't for the terrible ending this would have been a very nice movie. Horror/mystery.

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Old 03 Mar 2018, 23:51   #6777
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Originally Posted by Adje View Post
LOL They are Marvel movies. Do they have more than one plot?
Lol fair point. But you know what they say... if it ain't broke...
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Old 03 Mar 2018, 23:54   #6778
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Their Finest

A decent film this. Very gentle, largely subtle, beautifully performed throughout but Gemma Arterton and Bill Nighy steal the whole damn show. Yes it varies slightly between somewhat predictable and mildly inexplicable. But hey. It's overall very decent without being essential viewing. 3.5/5
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Old 04 Mar 2018, 03:02   #6779
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It Comes at Night (2017)

Not my kind of thriller. Movies tend to be very predictable, lately. Also too often you see moviemakers confusing 'tension' with 'dragging'

90 minutes that passed slowly.

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Old 04 Mar 2018, 14:37   #6780
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Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)

Exactly what you expect from an adventure/action/comedy.

Great entertainment!

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Old 05 Mar 2018, 23:18   #6781
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Paddington 2

A hugely charming sequel that thankfully resists the apparently omni present urge to go darker. Not quite as immediately successful as the first one but Hugh Grant gives the performance of his career and steals the whole film.

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Old 06 Mar 2018, 04:18   #6782
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Originally Posted by PanicLord View Post
Paddington 2

A hugely charming sequel that thankfully resists the apparently omni present urge to go darker. Not quite as immediately successful as the first one but Hugh Grant gives the performance of his career and steals the whole film.

No. 4/5.
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Old 14 Mar 2018, 00:12   #6783
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Justice League

You know what? I was pleasantly surprised. I thought it was an enjoyable enough way of passing a couple of hours. The actors play all the roles well, the script is decent enough and at least avoids the groan out loud moments of Suicide Squad. Part of it near the end gets too computer game and I'm sure I've seen the end of the world looking very similar in another film.

But everything is relatively clear, the team pull together nicely, and I much prefer Batman and Superman in this than Dawn Of Justice.

Not Marvel good but a dam sight better than I expected.

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Old 26 Mar 2018, 22:57   #6784
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Insidious 4 (2018 )

More drama than the other 3 movies. also (a lot) less scary.
They did an outstanding job casting 'young Elise' though.

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Old 29 Mar 2018, 22:34   #6785
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Eddie The Eagle... Again, having been at a work do last week when he was the after dinner speaker, just had to watch the film again

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Old 31 Mar 2018, 17:36   #6786
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Some movies I've seen over the last few weeks:

Annihilation (2018 ) 9/10
Superb. This writer/director is awesome. Really felt the Sunshine / Ex Machina vibe - without realising it was the same guy. More of a slow intellectual Sci Fi story than action packed. But it is clever I think. The alien weird music at the end was cool. Perfect example of how to write good/interesting female characters in Sci Fi unlike the horrible Mary Sue approach in the new Star Wars movies and elsewhere. Best movie I've seen Natalie Portman in for sure. Her performances in the Star Wars prequels were quite drab but understandable because of the near 100% green screen approach. The climax of her story and the movie here were great I thought.

Beauty and The Beast (2017) 6/10
Pointless remake. Emma Watson is like watching paint dry. Some good songs from the beast. However they made him so much beast like, the final character reveal just looked like a different guy. Would have preferred a non CGI approach to him. What happened to good makeup? Hollywood is just turning into 100% CGI as time goes on. Some good CGI in other places but it is quite meh compared to the classic which has a much stronger opening and far better bunch of singers. This was just done to fit as many famous people in it it seems, all who must adhere to the liberal agenda. I don't understand why. Moronic closing credits follows that approach.

Prisoners (2013) 8/10
Super suspenseful kidnapping movie with Hugh Jackman. Best film I've probably seen him in. Edge of my seat towards the end. Didn't like that Jackman's wife character was so useless. In that respect I do appreciate some balance and stronger female justification and it would have been interesting if she had a more important role to play towards the end rather than just giving the investigator a hint. Felt like the screaming blonde woman in Temple of Doom, useless mostly. But looking beyond that this was a great, great film. Creepy in places, reminiscent of something like Seven or Silence of the lambs.

Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987) 9/10
One of the best comedies ever with a heart felt core that remains special. John Hughes was a genius and made movies for younger people mostly and did them perfectly because he never took the patronising approach which many movie makers do today.

Captain America: Civil War (2016) 7/10
This movie made me like the Iron Man character again somewhat after the arrogant useless Iron Man 3 movie. Captain America himself comes across as a jackass protecting Bucky at all cost even if a million people die. Spiderboy is a jackass in the making too.
The movie to me shows that just inserting millions of superheroes in one movie is not necessarily the best of ideas. Most of the Marvel superheroes seem like jackasses I reckon. Maybe best for the fictitious world if they didn't exist which this movie hints at.
Maybe that big blue purple b*stard who is looking for his infinity stones can take all those jackasses with him to another dimension and piss off. I understand the appeal but I feel there is heavy over saturation now with this superhero malarky. But whatever people want, I doubt I'll be part of that movie audience much going forward.
The fight at the end was great though having said all that negative stuff. But this to me is nothing like the epicness of something like Superman (1978 ) or The Dark Knight Trilogy.

Last edited by AndrewG; 31 Mar 2018 at 17:54.
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Old 02 Apr 2018, 01:51   #6787
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Ready Player One (2018 )

One of Spielberg's best for me. And probably his best in decades at that. Super fun escapism. The 4DX effects were worth the extra charge.
So many nods to classic movies especially Back to the Future.
Great stuff.

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Old 02 Apr 2018, 14:07   #6788
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Gone With The Wind

We've had this one on the shelf for some time now but it just seemed like the most suitable thing to watch on Easter Sunday. And it was superb. Nearly four hours long but it was a classic tale superbly well told. Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh were of course excellent, but there were some real star turns in the supporting cast too. The restoration work was superb and there are amazingly beautiful shots throughout.

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Old 03 Apr 2018, 22:39   #6789
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Black Panther

Another quality piece of entertainment from Marvel. Great characters with more human and personal motivations than normal, and praise be, the ending is NOT fighting a big thing falling out of the sky. Terrific acting throughout, nice humour, and a lot of nobility and honour. And hope.

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Old 14 Apr 2018, 22:12   #6790
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Justice League (2017)

I guess these movies are a league of their own. But they do nothing for me. You can mash-up equal pieces of any of these superhero movies, and you have the same movie... over and over. Basically it's a regular tv soap series, dressed in big budget sfx gadgets.

I remember in the 80's thinking "What if they could make that into a movie," when seeing a cartoon or reading a comic. Well yippieee. These days they can. And so they did exactly that over and over again. Yes I get it. You can visually do anything (I) dreamed about 30 years ago. There are no limits to your cgi toys. No limits in putting something visually alive. It's all good (although sometimes not so good) and you try to overpower yourself by something bigger, more explosive and what more in the next movie. Bravooo!

But instead of watching a movie, I feel more and more as if I am watching a video game. It just lacks something. Hard to explain but for the sake of it I call it a lack of Heart.

In the end I felt no passion, no emotion and no sympathie for anyone in this movie (wtf was the story with that Russian family. Who actually cared about them? 4 scenes and I should be emotionally enough attached to care if they make it or not?)


btw, watched a small part of one of the Avenger movies. Anybody noticed that they are basically the same characters in different outfits? I think Colin Trevorrow should direct the next of these movies (either Marvel or DC). Cause basically there is nothing he can screw up more that it already is
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Old 24 Apr 2018, 12:03   #6791
Ronish Baxter
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'Eight Below' is the last movie that I saw and boy what a movie! It's been ages since I watched a really good movie and this one certainly fulfilled the criteria. A realistic movie and superb acting by all the actors especially the The ending part in fact, brought tears to my eyes...
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Old 02 May 2018, 22:23   #6792
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Seen so many lately mostly James Bonds for some reason haha!

Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle - 2.5/5 fun ish but lacks the heart of the original.
Jumanji the original and best 3.5/5

Live and Let Die 4/5
Man With The Golden Gun 3/5
The Spy Who Loved Me 5/5
Moonraker 4/5
For Your Eyes Only 5/5
Octopussy 4/5

RIP Sir Roger - an amazing James Bond.

The Living Daylights 4.5/5
Licence To Kill 5/5

Timothy Dalton - so under rated as Bond but two excellent films.
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Old 02 May 2018, 23:38   #6793
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Avengers Infity war (2018 )

It never surpasses the feeling of a video game intro. Another superhero movie filled with superheroes. As if you're watching the A-Team episode 327. You basically know what's coming. Sure, it's a massive war, but it's just more of the same.

It lacks everything I like in a movie. Tension, emotion, suspense. Not that they didn't try. But even the dead of all the hero characters was just boring, simply because you know (most) will be brought back for the sequel.

Was it better than, let's say Justice League. Not really but it looks more overwhelming because of the cgi/sfx overload. It also has more famous characters in one movie. But it lacks the same Heart and Soul as the other ones.

The first Guardians of the Galaxy movie was an exception for me, but seeing them in this movie, I wonder what the hell happened... Just because of this movie I wish Quill will stay dead, but we all know that's not going to happen...

I really don't understand the hype. Went with a friend and he loved it. To me it just shows people want quantity over quality these days. And so we end up with crap movies like this.

But that's okay. The movie did what the fanboys want to see. And the box office succes claims I am wrong (then again Avatar is still the box office leader. And that's a terrible movie as well). So kudos to Disney for fooling the people again. Personally I can't wait till this hype is over.

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Old 02 May 2018, 23:43   #6794
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Shut In (2016)

Naomi Watts is great but the movie is just too predictable.

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Old 02 May 2018, 23:49   #6795
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Winchester (2018 )

Acting in this movie is good. Story, is okay and there are some good moments. Perhaps a bit too predictable as the twist came without surprise. But entertaining enough to keep you watching. Cinematography was superb.

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Old 08 May 2018, 11:58   #6796
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Avengers: Infinity War (2018 )

I liked it quite a bit.
Much better than the nihilism approach in Last Jedi. Marvel has easily beaten the very tired Star Wars approach now I'd say (constantly replaying rebels vs Empire - sigh). Star Wars was better in the era of practical effects for sure. It suited it much better. Marvel easily wins in the CGI era.

Marvel also seems to have been affected much less by political correctness. Or at least it seems more natural. Star Wars seems to contain incredibly forced political correctness at the moment: "we need a female heroine (all brunettes at the moment btw! - so much for diversity) but she needs to be hugely powerful and not have any faults because that may be insulting towards women", "we need a black actor because... he is black.", "All bad guys are white male nazis who are bumbling buffoons" etc. There are hugely inconsistent problems with the Star Wars story line how they are dealing with a female heroine in general. She is initially not interested in relationships / sex it seems only to then almost succumb to the charms of the main mass murdering badly written villain. Madness.

Lucasfilm seems like a joke production company vs Marvel at the moment if you compare how they are dealing with diversity and gender equality. One takes a natural route, the other tries to point out that all its male white fans should be ashamed of themselves for... just existing. Bizarre how parent Disney is allowing this to happen in an obvious manner in my opinion.

It's all a bit nonsense the Marvel universe of course, especially the Wakanda crap and somewhat inconsistent in places. Indeed someone points out that Scarlet Witch wasn't available during a massive conflict which makes no sense since she is the most powerful one.
Indeed all nonsense but it is quite top drawer nonsense I think. Much better than any other Marvel movie I've seen so far, especially the useless Iron Man 3 and pathetic Age of Ultron.
I liked the background story of the bad guy. That is how you do an interesting villain. Something Rian Johnson and JJ Abrams don't seem to know.

Only negative I can think of was the ridiculous 9 minutes of relentless brass filled music during the end credits waiting for the post credit scene.
Uninspired music in my opinion. Using a more interesting pallet of instruments (piano solos or acoustic guitar solos etc.) would have made the wait a bit more bearable. Real lack of themes in film music and subtlety in general these days it seems.

Regardless, infinity war I think is a hugely enjoyable escapism thrill ride especially in 4DX if you can access it.
Looking forward to part 2 and see how the cliffhanger(s) play out.


Last edited by AndrewG; 08 May 2018 at 12:20.
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Old 08 May 2018, 22:20   #6797
trying to be realistic
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Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post
Avengers: Infinity War (2018 )
Star Wars seems to contain incredibly forced political correctness at the moment: "we need a female heroine (all brunettes at the moment btw! - so much for diversity) but she needs to be hugely powerful and not have any faults because that may be insulting towards women", "we need a black actor because... he is black.", "All bad guys are white male nazis who are bumbling buffoons" etc. There are hugely inconsistent problems with the Star Wars story line how they are dealing with a female heroine in general. She is initially not interested in relationships / sex it seems only to then almost succumb to the charms of the main mass murdering badly written villain. Madness.

Lucasfilm seems like a joke production company vs Marvel at the moment if you compare how they are dealing with diversity and gender equality. One takes a natural route, the other tries to point out that all its male white fans should be ashamed of themselves for... just existing. Bizarre how parent Disney is allowing this to happen in an obvious manner in my opinion.

It's all a bit nonsense the Marvel universe of course, especially the Wakanda crap and somewhat inconsistent in places. Indeed someone points out that Scarlet Witch wasn't available during a massive conflict which makes no sense since she is the most powerful one.
Indeed all nonsense but it is quite top drawer nonsense I think.

Something Rian Johnson and JJ Abrams don't seem to know.

Only negative I can think of was the ridiculous 9 minutes of relentless brass filled music during the end credits waiting for the post credit scene.

Hahaha, this cracks me up. First, this seems more like a negative SW review than an Avenger review. And it's almost like you're telling us that because you hate SW, this movie is good. Then you mention some flaws of the movie to conclude that the only negative thing is the music of the end credits.

I, almost, can't wait for your review of Solo
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Old 08 May 2018, 23:39   #6798
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Originally Posted by Adje View Post
Hahaha, this cracks me up. First, this seems more like a negative SW review than an Avenger review. And it's almost like you're telling us that because you hate SW, this movie is good. Then you mention some flaws of the movie to conclude that the only negative thing is the music of the end credits.

I, almost, can't wait for your review of Solo
Well, if you care what I think this might explain it better:

I think Infinity War served its fans well and is the perfect example of how to do that and move things forwards in a logical manner:
interesting back stories mostly, sensible progression of many characters (More rugged version of Captain and Thor), sensible relationship stories (Gamora - Starlord, Scarlett Witch - Vision, Iron Man - Pepper). A superbly interesting backstory of the main villain and the relationship with his daughters and how that plays out. It even makes sense what he does in many ways. A superbly diverse cast. Female characters with faults as well as men. Female villains thrown in too. Tons of humour but none really at the expense of the seriousness of the situations.
Sure the action is a bit over the top or goes too fast at times and as I mentioned there are some inconsistencies with the hero power stuff. My girlfriend pointed out that Thor disappeared for no reason during a main fight. Quite strange indeed. But all that didn't really mar the experience to me. It's still quite superb and I am enjoying talking to people about it. So I just think they did it all right.
The only bit in the movie I didn't like was Doctor Strange's look when he was seeing the future outcomes. It looked quite silly. But generally his character was so much better than in his own movie which I thought was a yawn fest.

Not sure if I will see Solo. The trailer looked awesome in the cinema yesterday for sure but so have the previous Star Wars trailers and my interest is simply deteriorating because of all sorts of reasons.

Han Solo became Han Solo in Episode 4 I always thought. Not sure what you can add to that and why. It would be like going back to Iron Man pre Iron Man suit. To me it is just quite meh and no reason to tell that story or to invent one...

I never saw Spiderman homecoming btw. I get bored with the constant retelling of the origin stuff. And maybe Spiderman to me is actually the weakest Avenger. A bit too cocky with the mentioning of movie scene stuff. But with more Spiderman and Avengers movies it might all work out better with this actor. The play he has with a sort of father figure in Iron Man is good though and his fate definitely gives the character more weight.

On another note Man of Steel I think is one of the worst origin reboots I've seen. The Dark Knight trilogy probably the best. Though I still like Batman 1989 & Returns too.

I think it's obvious why Marvel is beating Star Wars and DCU at the moment (even if my favourite movie last year was Wonder Woman). The figures clearly show what is happening. There is a chance Infinity War will break The Force Awakens and even Titanic since the China market really likes Avengers and I suspect they will probably re-release Infinity war with added footage perhaps before we see the conclusion. I would see it again.
I don't think there will ever be a Star Wars movie that will do as well as The Force awakens. There was an opportunity to do that with Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford still alive but now not anymore obviously as all 3 characters have to be left out of the next movies because of the choices they took in The Last Jedi and Force Awakens.
Infinity War part 2 will probably break records again. I'm really curious to see what happens story wise. I just can't say the same thing about anything Star Wars related I guess? I would have thought I'm not the only one in that boat.

If I explain things in a weird way why I think it is justified Marvel is pretty much beating the Star Wars franchise by the looks of it I'm sorry for that Adje. These are all just random thoughts probably not structured very well.
I think the take away for me is a movie that doesn't make me curious to see what happens next (when we definitely know the next one will be in production) is a bad movie to me.

The best cliffhanger in a series of films still is the end of Back to the future part 2 but Infinity War is pretty close and to achieve that I think is quite good hence my high score.

Last edited by AndrewG; 09 May 2018 at 00:07.
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Old 13 May 2018, 22:26   #6799
trying to be realistic
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Originally Posted by Adje View Post
Avengers Infity war (2018 )

Actually changing my grade

Andrew's post made me rethink the movie and I simply realised it's pointless.

Basically the involvement of the Avengers did nothing for the outcome. Not a single win (in fact if they stayed away the exact same outcome would have happened with less destruction). As Thanos said, destroy half of human kind and then he would sit back and enjoy the sunset. He did exactly that. So it's done. There even isn't a reason to fight Thansos anymore. He has achieved what he wanted. He has now relaxed and enjoy's his peace. The entire movie was just a useless story. An excuse to show of computere generated effects. Notthing more, nothing less. Emotions were non existend. Let's face it, we all know there will be some stupid reason how (some) will come back. There won't be a Guardians without Quill, no Spiderman without Spidey... and thse movies are just milkcows for Disney. As I said before, the same emotions as an average A-team episode.

I have to give it to Disney. They know how to fool the fanboys. No matter if it's SW or Marvel. It's brilliant mindclouding.
Only, Avengers 3 must have the dumbest of all stories of the entire Marvel series... as the story is basically non-existent. Many of it will be undone in Avengers 4 (I assume they are gonna turn back time) making Avengers 3 the Dallas Season that never happened because Pamela dreamed Bobby was dead.
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Old 13 May 2018, 23:01   #6800
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Deep Blue Sea 2 (201

Uhm... kind of a remake of the first, but without everything that made that movie enjoyable to watch.

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