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Old 28 May 2008, 18:09   #109
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 01.11.2007
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I was really trying to stay out of this discussion but I just wanted to add a point that I don't think anyone has added yet, and that's you really can't have establishments with smoking/non smoking areas/rooms - as the smoke travels. I remember in the past dining at a restaurant where I had specifically requested the non-smoking area and the lady on the table next to me was smoking. She was in the smoking area. It reminds me of a cartoon I saw once, with two men standing at a bar (one smoking, one not), there's dotted line between them which is preventing the smoking man's smoke from spreading into the other man's 'area' which is identified as non-smoking. The caption is something along the lines of 'regulatory line which smoke must not cross'.

Of course I've hunted for ages for said cartoon and had no luck. So here's one suitable fitting to my theme instead

And this one just made me chuckle...

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