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Old 17 Feb 2018, 22:36   #74
Mega Loafer
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Originally Posted by nightinr View Post
With regard the "silent majority" the clue is in the title.

My opinion and I expect the "silent majority" think Meat has made enough from his loyal fans and it would nice gesture to release these tapes for nothing.
Yes but nobody really knows what the silent majority is thinking. Of course they exist. The question is, what is their collective opionion about Meat's givings and misgivings to his fans? I suspect the silent majority have a multitude of opinions, given that they (whoever we are assuming "they" are at this point...Major Meat fans? Major Steinmen fans? Casual Meat fans? The general public who know Meat Loaf exists and can sing the chorus of paradise or 2 outta 3?) are all individual people who have each had their own personal relationship with their Meat Loaf music. I think it is very hard to generalize and any suggestions about what the silent majority "thinks" is an opinion based on your own experiences Nightinr. I do understand what you are trying to say, that in your opinion, the silent majority may not agree with Meat asking for money for these tapes. And it is a great idea to question things, such as you have been in this post. But I think for the sake of the discussion, it would be much easier to question or postulate without trying to make generalized statements about a group of people you don't know to try to make your point. Better, I think, to just state the opinion as your own and leave it at that. To some end, I actually agree with you that some things could be released for free, such as an old soundboard tape. (Similar to the isolated vocal that surfaced of Queen and David Bowie singing Under Pressure, although I do not know if that recording was originally sold and then posted online) But I think the underlying issue here may be that you don't think Meat is being respectful to his fans, and that is where we disagree. Meat cares about his fans more than himself, as he has shown on a number of occasions, such as the entire 2016 Canadian tour. I was there for two of the shows. He was unwell, clearly very different than when I saw him in Jan 2011 and March 2011 and June 2012. A different man. A man fighting terrible pain and physical disability in order to give us what was, without question, a ~~~~ing amazing, inspiring, truthfully awe-inspiring performance. (I said performance, not vocal). Meat cares so much about his fans. Perhaps that is a good place to steer this discussion back to. And to that end, I think we have much to look forward to as Meat's loyal fans. He wants us to have it all. He just needs time to heal. Time to think clearly free of pain and suffering. Time to feel himself again. He didn't look himself in 2016 in the summer. He looked like he'd aged 20 years in 3 years. Meat is dealing with one of the worst struggles of his life.

Last edited by R.; 18 Feb 2018 at 13:52. Reason: Political bits from quote removed
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