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Old 16 Jan 2018, 11:16   #6752
I hope your salmon sucks!
Join Date: 18.01.2004
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Now You see Me 2 (2016)

Atrocious. Horrible movie making. Full of plot holes. Constant pay offs without build up (unlike The Last Jedi that had constant build ups without pay offs). The Four horsemen are all awful. Another Mary Sue nonsense woman thrown in the mix. A trick card throwing scene that goes on forever. After 3 - 4 pass overs I get it, I don't need to see 30. Bizarre this got through the editing room the way it was done. It would be like showing the Star Wars opening crawl at 10% of the speed. So boring. The movie would have been much better had it focused on the Mark Ruffalo character solely. At least he had some character arc, we know something about him. Maybe a James Bond type of character with magic tricks would have made for a more interesting movie. You don't give a crap about the four horsemen. WTF was the Woody Harrelson twin brother crap all about? Seriously who writes this crap and gets near $100 million to put this on screen?

Worst movie I've seen Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine in. If you compare this to the 3 excellent Dark Knight movies you wonder how they could ever sign up to this horrible pile of dung. Movie goes on for far too long too. There is not enough plot to justify that. Daniel Radcliffe is Michael Caine's son? Yeah if he was born with a step ladder maybe.

Pure tripe. Avoid.

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