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Old 31 Mar 2018, 17:36   #6786
I hope your salmon sucks!
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Some movies I've seen over the last few weeks:

Annihilation (2018 ) 9/10
Superb. This writer/director is awesome. Really felt the Sunshine / Ex Machina vibe - without realising it was the same guy. More of a slow intellectual Sci Fi story than action packed. But it is clever I think. The alien weird music at the end was cool. Perfect example of how to write good/interesting female characters in Sci Fi unlike the horrible Mary Sue approach in the new Star Wars movies and elsewhere. Best movie I've seen Natalie Portman in for sure. Her performances in the Star Wars prequels were quite drab but understandable because of the near 100% green screen approach. The climax of her story and the movie here were great I thought.

Beauty and The Beast (2017) 6/10
Pointless remake. Emma Watson is like watching paint dry. Some good songs from the beast. However they made him so much beast like, the final character reveal just looked like a different guy. Would have preferred a non CGI approach to him. What happened to good makeup? Hollywood is just turning into 100% CGI as time goes on. Some good CGI in other places but it is quite meh compared to the classic which has a much stronger opening and far better bunch of singers. This was just done to fit as many famous people in it it seems, all who must adhere to the liberal agenda. I don't understand why. Moronic closing credits follows that approach.

Prisoners (2013) 8/10
Super suspenseful kidnapping movie with Hugh Jackman. Best film I've probably seen him in. Edge of my seat towards the end. Didn't like that Jackman's wife character was so useless. In that respect I do appreciate some balance and stronger female justification and it would have been interesting if she had a more important role to play towards the end rather than just giving the investigator a hint. Felt like the screaming blonde woman in Temple of Doom, useless mostly. But looking beyond that this was a great, great film. Creepy in places, reminiscent of something like Seven or Silence of the lambs.

Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987) 9/10
One of the best comedies ever with a heart felt core that remains special. John Hughes was a genius and made movies for younger people mostly and did them perfectly because he never took the patronising approach which many movie makers do today.

Captain America: Civil War (2016) 7/10
This movie made me like the Iron Man character again somewhat after the arrogant useless Iron Man 3 movie. Captain America himself comes across as a jackass protecting Bucky at all cost even if a million people die. Spiderboy is a jackass in the making too.
The movie to me shows that just inserting millions of superheroes in one movie is not necessarily the best of ideas. Most of the Marvel superheroes seem like jackasses I reckon. Maybe best for the fictitious world if they didn't exist which this movie hints at.
Maybe that big blue purple b*stard who is looking for his infinity stones can take all those jackasses with him to another dimension and piss off. I understand the appeal but I feel there is heavy over saturation now with this superhero malarky. But whatever people want, I doubt I'll be part of that movie audience much going forward.
The fight at the end was great though having said all that negative stuff. But this to me is nothing like the epicness of something like Superman (1978 ) or The Dark Knight Trilogy.

Last edited by AndrewG; 31 Mar 2018 at 17:54.
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