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Old 04 Dec 2016, 16:48   #5
Super Loafer
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Posts: 420

The days of chart blockbusters are gone. They just are. When Taylor Swift can top the Billboard charts with her fifth album after selling only just over a million copies, that's a glimpse of where things are at, especially compared to the sales that Meat and Jim have racked up over time.

Jim's music was never for the average bear, to twist a phrase from a cartoon I loved as a child. Meat himself has made the point that if you released Bat Out of Hell at any time in history, it would never fit the trend. By sheer luck, Meat and Jim managed to catch a wave at the tail end of the Seventies and ride it through the Eighties (at least in Jim's case) and the Nineties. They could... would... never have a success story like that today.

As a fan, all I'm going to say is that right now, we're going through a hot period we haven't seen in a long time. Three artists putting out albums entirely by Jim, his dream musical finally getting produced, and his other successful pieces continuing to get some mileage (one of which is about to hit its twentieth anniversary). Is it critical mass reaching that elusive "X" factor that makes everyone involved a household name? Probably not, and the way things are today, I'm not holding my breath for it, but it's as close as we're going to get. So while we are setting our expectations accordingly, maybe some other people asking us to do so could do the same. Right now, their names and their music are out there, and garnering attention as serious as it's going to get at this phase in their career. So let's celebrate!

Last edited by letsgotoofar; 04 Dec 2016 at 16:55.
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