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Old 18 Apr 2012, 16:01   #149
Super Loafer
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for what its worth I went to a private school in belfast, every morning in assembly we had morning prayers by the school chaplain, by no means was it a religious school but it practiced christian morals. We even had 2 classes for R.E, a moral one and a biblical one.
But yes, what im getting at is there were some student who would be considered an ethnic minority, particularly in an all boys school in belfast. But during the R.E lessons that didnt stop the teacher from inquiring about his muslim beliefs on the various different aspects being studied. It also allowed the students to have a broader understanding, but not once did he feel intimidated in a school where every morning the lords prayer was said and each week he'd have to attend a biblical class. Sometimes i think people just like to make a fuss.

Like the whole atheist vs christian thing, why cant either side just agree to disagree. Instead it becomes nasty and spiteful.

just my 2 pence. (because we dont use cents). Dunno if its applicable, but hey, it came out.
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