Thread: Patti Russo
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Old 03 Feb 2022, 20:59   #167
Super Loafer
Join Date: 19.10.2015
Location: UK
Posts: 668

Ah, the old "I know you are so what am I" routine.

To address your points:

Writers write. Bakers bake. Candlestick makers ... you get the idea. It's amusing, but only because it's so willfully simplistic in its generalization. I'm a fiction writer, and other than things that directly relate to my life, I'm not interested in writing about the lives of others. Nor will I ever be. I can say this with as close to a 100 percent certainty as any reasonable person can give.

"I can't wrap my head around why Patti would lash out at Meat's wife".

Once again, therein lies your dilemma.

You could have simply asked. Instead, you acted like you were owed an explanation.

I've got news for you on that score: you're not.

This relates to all of your posts, both now and in the future.

Let's wrap up, because I'm busy and I imagine that you are too:

I've indulged you here because I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. However, I owe you nothing, and this particular brand of nothing is inclusive of both explanation and justifications. If you believe that this somehow entitles you to an endless back and forth based on the things that you have either blatantly made up, or erroneously inferred above, you are sadly, and seriously, mistaken.

So farewell, anonymous Internet friend.

I like the way you (t)roll.

Last edited by ThatWriterGuy; 03 Feb 2022 at 21:26.
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