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Old 26 Oct 2018, 23:10   #6855
trying to be realistic
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Halloween 2018

So, I watched it again. Without the expectation that I had watching it the first time. And I have to upgrade my score a little.


Below is a bit of a spoiler review of the movie, to tell you what I really liked about it. So, don't read unless you've seen it

They actually ressurected Halloween at the opening credits and it was great. Same position as in the original movie but with the pumpkin being flat at the beginning to inflate and become the full pumpkin we know from the original movie. So by ressurecting the pumpkin they basically said, Halloween is not dead, we just brought it back alive!

Switched and reversed
If you pay attention you see refferences to Halloween in oposite order or switched from the original. Most noticable is the part of the ending where Michael throws Laurie of the roof, gets distracted, looks down to see that she has disappeared. But it's just one of many moments. Like the babysitter girl and her friend. In halloween he kills the boyfriend, pinnen on the wall and as a ghost with his white sheet he goes upstairs to kill the girl. Now it's the other way around, killing the babysitter upstairs and put her in the sheet to go downstairs and kill/pin the guy to the wall. Obviously we have the hunter becomes the hunted part, where Laurie is basically hunting Michael the way Michael did to her 40 years earlier. It's Halloween 1978 with a twist. As early explained as the granddaughter and her fiend go to the Halloween party as Bonnie and Clyde, but with a twis (boy dressed as girl, girl dressed as boy). The movie is full of it.

Michael is pure evil
And familie emotions have nothing to do with it. He killed the mechanic guy in the original movie, to steal his clothes and go home to start a killing spree on Halloween night. I always thought that Laurie got picked by Michael because she leaves the key under the math of the Meyers house. And the babysitter killings are just a random pick because that one girl got to Michael's house. And it made sense. He followed her after that first encounter.
And they continued that way in this version. Michael is just a pure evil monster and kills whoever comes in his way. From the father and the little kid who find the bus, to the unfortunate meaningless folks in Haddonfield. In fact, Michael is not looking for Laurie, but in a way got lured to her by the new Loomis doctor, Dr Satarian. So basically Micheal gets to Laurie by accident. He is just doing what he does best. Killing everyone in his way. And by that this version of the Shape is similair to the one in the original movie. There, after 15 years, the evil has come out and is stopped after 5 kills. Now, 40 years later, the evil is out again, more vicious after the long wait, but continueing what he did 40 years earlier. Bringin Michael back to his core base. A man withouth concious and emotion, just pure evil.

Cinematography and music score

Both are just awsome. And both feel like the original version but upgraded. Especially the score when Allison, the granddaughter has to escape Michael after the graveyard scene. In that perpective this really feels and looks like Halloween.

Nods to the other Halloween films
There are many, obvious and less obvious. Most of the are nods to the original, but the ending is clearly a refferense to Halloween II, the masks the kids are wearing from Halloween 3, Alisson holding the knife at the end is a refferense to the ending of Halloween 4. The public bathroom scene at the tankstation from H20, the truck with the Ressurection text obviously points to... ressurection. And the list goes on.

It's not a cage, it's a trap
Loved that line for some reason.

That said there are obvious things that bothered me. The boyfriend thing/break-up didn't really fit the movie. The new Loomis was too obvious the betraying party (and reason the bus crashed). some small plotholes and the ending was clearly re-shot as it felt a bit rushed and jumpy (but from what I've heard still way better than the original ending, where Michael gets shot by a bow and arrow after killing Laurie). Also, for a woman waiting for this moment for 40 years to trap and kill Michael, there were plenty stuff that made no sense. Like the mannequin dolls that just were a great oportunity for Michael to hide behind. It's just a small example.

None the less, after rewatching this, I can say I liked it better now than the first time. Just because I was able to enjoy it for what it was. I still love Halloween II but now I feel this come close to that one, maybe able to grap the 2nd place eventually (although still unlikely)
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