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Old 13 Oct 2018, 19:06   #236
Mega Loafer
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Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post
Watched For Crying Out Loud.
It sounds pretty good. Better than most tributes.

But I do agree with some of the criticisms in the comments. There is some lack of feeling in key points.
Towards the end of the song with the summary lyrics I always envisage this as something far more heartfelt. It almost looks as if Caleb is reading some lyrics from a cheat sheet or so. I could be wrong.

One would almost need to drop to their knees LITERALLY whilst sining these last lines. Meat didn't necessarily do that but it definitely made you feel that. This IS the moment that the truth comes out. The words are about appreciating every great thing that a loved one has done and is doing for the protagonist.

Jim once said that the Bat album HAD to finish with the words "I love you", that was already set in stone. And I always took that as a message to the fans as well or whoever would end up buying the album. Even if there would just be a few thousand rather than dozens of millions.

I think with some more work Caleb could possibly make everyone in the audience feel that particular passion a bit more. This particular climax needs the singer AND PERFORMER to throw everything at it I think rather than just be an audio demo.

It's mostly heading in the right direction I think but some more visual drama is probably necessary to elevate this a bit more.

Sorry to pick on things a bit more but I really think Caleb needs to wear a smart shirt rather than a T shirt hanging over jeans too. Randy is dressed better here. Really think the presentation needs to be spot on like it was with Meat if one wants to perform in the same spirit. Many tributes do that well btw. He shouldn't just be that guy in the random black t shirt in my opinion.
He does need some work but they haven't done many shows. I think he's have to be aware that he is not trying to pretend that he is Meat like so many "tributes" do. That would look ridiculous in a serious performance. Very few singers can do both a good voice and convey so much emotion. That put Meat in rare company. Caleb is still young and learning. I guess it is all about expectations to some degree.
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