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Old 17 Aug 2018, 01:41   #6839
I hope your salmon sucks!
Join Date: 18.01.2004
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Saw these over the last week:
Blazing Saddles (1974)
Utterly fantastic. Better than I even remembered it being.
Gene Wilder is just perfect and most of the jokes still work so well. They simply do not make comedies such as these anymore.

Hidden Figures (2016)
Pretty good if a bit auto-pilot in places. One particular stellar scene which is worth the wait.

Loving (2016)
Superb true story but a bit hampered by sub par acting in places or simply lack of emotion. There is probably a better movie that could be made here I think.

The Awakening (2011)
Decent horror. Nothing to write home about. Not as good as say The Others but it does get into that direction in places. Always like Rebecca Hall for some reason.

Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
Unbelievable action and mega loud soundtrack but very good audio and great visuals. Probably one of the best blockbusters in recent years still.
Watched it in 3D at home. The 3D is great but for some reason lip sync was off. No idea why as original 3D Blu Ray, never seen it before with my setup. Shame but was bearable.
Very surprised Warner Brothers aren't pushing sequels out sooner. Far more interesting than their hap hazard DC comics franchise in my opinion (well except Wonder Woman).

Mama (2013)
Jumpy horror with interesting ideas but feels like it leaves loose ends a bit too much maybe. It's ok, nothing too special. The movie does a decent job I guess.
Jessica Chastain looks like Nena. She had decent character development in the story.
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