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Old 31 Jul 2018, 00:48   #1
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 16.04.2003
Location: Sheffield UK
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Default Meat at ComicCon, London

Home after attending the ComicCon in London. I had a wonderful 25 minutes or so with Meat at the end of the event. He was tired, but had loved every minute he spent with all the fans who wanted to see him, and I think being in touch with so many, and feeling the love from so many did him more psychological good than we could dream of

Earlier in the day I had been to his talk. He was sharp, in total command of everything and everyone .. as we would expect (he introduced the guy the event organisers had sent to "manage the talk and questions" .. and said he could sit down and shut the F up, because he, Meat was in charge ), very entertaining, quick to deal with someone who got up to leave, and gave an emotional and genuinely heartfelt thanks to all his fans who had given him so much.

He may still need his silver-topped cane, may have some difficulty in getting up after sitting for a while and walking distances, but for a man who had massive spinal reconstructive surgery only 5 months ago, it was a strong and masterful performance from a man with all the vigour, mental acuity, humour, and touching humility that has always been his hallmark, and is still is.

That fire is undiminished, the consummate performer we love is still there firing on all cylinders and then some, plenty of gas in the tank.

Towards the end of my time with him a fan came up opposite to us at the table wanting two photos signed, even though it was well past the finish. He did of course, and when the guy had left, Meat suddenly sparked into full Meat "celebrating a win" mode, leaned past me and shouted out to Peter Capaldi .. "Hey, Peter. I WON!! See? I WON!!" .. ie he had after all been the last one to be signing

Deborah said they were flying out today, so by now he'll be above the Atlantic :) Much of what he and I talked about was personal .. but he did say "My voice is GREAT at the moment.. I'm in such good voice, it's really strong" I said to him to remember that not now doesn't mean not ever, and he said "I know .. I need time to recover, get stronger. It'll take time I know, but I'm going to get there" .. and I believe him :) Yes, he's a long way from being where he wants to be .. but an even longer way from riding into the sunset

We talked about the musical, which he LOVED. He thought the cast were superb, and he had thoughts about things he thought would make it even greater. small things but he said he had made notes and passed them on .. He said the second act is perfect, but had some ideas about using more of Jim's lyrics to strengthen the first act .. and no doubt will be talking to Jim if he hasn't already, but his genuine delight at its success and the way people have responded to it was abundantly clear .. he was emotional and just so happy that it has finally been brought to life on stage .. Jim's dream realised :)

At the end of the event when they were trying to herd the queues for the A listers through faster .. going down the Peter Capaldi line shouting "No dedications, no names, just a signature" .. Meat refused to be rushed. His view is that if people have paid to come and seen him, have taken the trouble to .travel, he is going to give them some time, to feel they have made some connection, that their time was special. He knows he cannot spend 5 minutes with everyone, but he will not have them rushed past him. He said to me "Make sure you tell them that I love them all, that I wish I could have spent more time with them all, but that the time they were there in front of me they were the only person there, and very special to me"

Whatever happens with the NLE/Caleb venture, if it goes ahead in the near future Meat will not be actively involved, but Deborah said she expected they would put out an announcement soon saying this, but that Meat fully endorsed it.

But to any who say Meat doesn't know what's best for him, or is too stubborn to listen to anyone .. I say that's crap! He understands his limitations, and also his potential. Deborah, who was a tower of strength to him there and enabled him to make the event, is firm, has his interests at heart, and will support and guide him through the next year or so. He knows he needs time, but his determination, his creativity, his love of life, what he does, and his fans is undiminished. His frame needs healing time, and he knows that. But he's at a great fighting weight, his eyes are clear, his mind sharp as ever, his control of everything around him as firm as ever. He remains the tour de force that is simply .. Meat .. and a very, very dear friend :)
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