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Old 10 Jul 2018, 23:35   #81
I hope your salmon sucks!
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Originally Posted by ajf33 View Post
Found it in the Mad about Meatloaf group, for those not members the post reads -

(Convo between Jeff Hall (UK Promoter) & Sandra Allender,

Jeff - There's been some misreporting of what the show is. Meat isn't going to be on the tour, it will be Meat's band The Neverland Express + Caleb Johnson, performing a straight up concert of Meat Loafs back catalogue. Of course there is no official announcement yet, just the rumours and mis-reported news stories. The 'teaser' UK announcement is pencilled for 20th July, with the dates announced on the 25th July.

Sandra - think you are completely wrong Meat told me a while back he would like to do something along these lines and I am sure he will tour with it I am not sure it will be a massive World Tour though. The whole ethos of the show is Meat Loaf presenting Paul Crook directing NLE playing and Caleb doing the singing. That is the impression Meat gave me he said he wanted to do something along the lines of storytellers/Rocktales. It seems to have been backed up on promoters website as well.

Jeff - Hi Sandra. I'm promoting the UK tour that announces later this month. There is no mention of Meat appearing at any of the shows, intact i was made clear of quite the opposite.

Sandra - When you say you are promoting the uk show who are you promoting on behalf of ....I am confused as no involvement from Meat is a way off what he said he was wanting to do.

Jeff - i am essentially the one hiring the band and then booking the venues and selling the tickets. Obviously it would be great if Meat was to be present and involved in the shows in person, however my understanding he will not be.

Sandra - So you are hiring NLE....lucky you they are a great bunch. I think if there is no involvement from Meat its appeal will diminish
Nah... the truth is I am hiring the band, representing Meat and telling Meat what he is having for dessert tomorrow whether he likes Salmon baked on top of a cheesecake mixed with a Happy Meal smoothie or not. I have decided to post in a random Facebook group what is going to happen, when and why.

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