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Old 13 Jun 2018, 19:38   #6825
trying to be realistic
Join Date: 28.09.2007
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Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom (2018 )

Let's start by the best thing they could come up with to start this sequel...

They created the freaking multimillion park on an Island with an active volcano!? So all the research all the money that went into building this park for the future, and they overlooked this minor detail... In other words, you realise the quality of writing into this and just hope for the best...

And to be fair, the first 30 minutes or so were kind of promissing (although already very predicatable). And then... everything collapsed like a house of cards. Same annoying, non-developed characters. Same 'if we do it bigger it must be better' mentallity that failed the first JW movie and the dumbest, incredible stupid, plot/story of all of the Jurassic movies. CGI is quite good at times but also pretty underwhelming several times. So even there it didn't do an outstanding job.

Where Colin T. destroyed JW with his bad directing, they did the same in this movie by bad writing. Again they managed to destroy the tention before it can actually develop into tension. It is poorly and predictable written. From the guy on the ladder in the opening to the underwater scene with Claire and the tech guy (who's name I forgot),you know what's coming and it never draws you into the movie.

I wonder if anybody actually smiled (let alone laugh) about the tech-guy's 'jokes'. It's an insult that these movies are now part of the legacy of Steven Spielberg's Jurassic Park.

It has been a while since I saw JP 3. I remember it to be bad. JW was by far the worst big budget movie of 2015, but I might find this one even more terrible than those two movies.

I agree with Andrew. If you didn't like JW, avoid this one like the plague. But even if you enjoyed that one, you have to be able to shut down your expectations, common sense and basically stop your brain for anything logic. Yes, I know, it's fantasy, not a realistic movie whatsoever, but at least make sure your writing make sense. JWFK is a mess when it comes to these things.

All of a sudden "Let's go watch 'Solo'!" doesn't sound that bad after all.

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