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Old 22 May 2018, 12:57   #6803
I hope your salmon sucks!
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Originally Posted by Adje View Post
Actually changing my grade

Andrew's post made me rethink the movie and I simply realised it's pointless.

Basically the involvement of the Avengers did nothing for the outcome. Not a single win (in fact if they stayed away the exact same outcome would have happened with less destruction). As Thanos said, destroy half of human kind and then he would sit back and enjoy the sunset. He did exactly that. So it's done. There even isn't a reason to fight Thansos anymore. He has achieved what he wanted. He has now relaxed and enjoy's his peace. The entire movie was just a useless story. An excuse to show of computere generated effects. Notthing more, nothing less. Emotions were non existend. Let's face it, we all know there will be some stupid reason how (some) will come back. There won't be a Guardians without Quill, no Spiderman without Spidey... and thse movies are just milkcows for Disney. As I said before, the same emotions as an average A-team episode.

I have to give it to Disney. They know how to fool the fanboys. No matter if it's SW or Marvel. It's brilliant mindclouding.
Only, Avengers 3 must have the dumbest of all stories of the entire Marvel series... as the story is basically non-existent. Many of it will be undone in Avengers 4 (I assume they are gonna turn back time) making Avengers 3 the Dallas Season that never happened because Pamela dreamed Bobby was dead.
I don't think the failure of the characters necessarily makes it a bad story or bad movie per se. Luke failed in Empire because he went into the lion's den too early. Obviously the resolution is what will make this entire story fulfilling and one doesn't have to wait too long for that.
It's the same as watching a disaster movie such as Titanic or Night to remember. You know most of the people are going to die because that is what actually happened. The shipbuilders failed and the crew mostly failed. Had they never launched the ship they all would all lived most likely. I think how a movie deals with failure is what makes it interesting to watch even on repeated viewings.

Thus I think there can be quite a bit of intrigue in failure as there was in Infinity War. They managed to fend the big purple/blue ~~~~~~ off for a long time (See Avengers 1 / Guardians 1).

I do accept that failure of main characters or even their existence or location can be a key frustration when you watch a movie such as Superman is the actual reason why Zod comes to earth. It actually makes the protagonist the reason why the antagonist can win in the first place. But I guess how this is balanced in a movie or story is what makes things watchable. I liked Superman 2 (both versions) but hate Man of Steel etc. But then for me Batman Vs Superman's beginning made up a lot. So it's interesting how even when you dislike a movie a sequel can redeem how you feel and even redeem a story to certain extent.

I think Infinity War gave the other Marvel movies quite a bit of meaning and made me want to watch some more over the weekend:


Spiderman: Homecoming. Really liked Michael Keaton's character. Wish they had explored his background a little bit more. Maybe another 5-10 minutes spent on him would have made him almost as intriguing as say the Joker or Thanos or so. Maybe show him down on his luck a bit more (broke etc). I liked the twist, but could see that coming for a bit. Didn't think it was necessary to make the twenty something actors pretend to be 15. Bit mad. Set in college rather than a school would have made more sense. Peter Parker comes across as a bit of jerk and it isn't until it looks like he loses quite late on (of course as you'd expect) he gains your sympathy. I think the reason the like-ability comes so late is that the whole uncle Ben dying is not present at all (probably told the story too often too recently). But this part was always important in the Spidey reboots to appreciate Peter's motivations to do right etc. Enjoyable but no better or worse than previous Spiderman movies I'd say. Without Keaton it would have been much worse for sure. 7/10


Thor: Ragnorok.
Very funny in places, superb action, effects and good acting with even minor parts very interesting (Sam Neill / Jeff Goldblum). Cate Blanchet was an awesome sexy villain. Quite quirky in places which is what you expect with Marvel now to some extent. They obviously added the Led Zeppelin Immigrant Song in post because the repeated half note interval in the vocal line/scream is just like the Wonder Woman music. The flashbacks with how the Tessa Thompson character flew on a horse and defeated the villain in the past wanted me to see a movie about THAT too. The Hulk and Bruce Banner characters are kinda dumb and stupid in Marvel these days. Don't think it is necessary. Bruce Banner never knows what the hell is going on and the Hulk is like a gorilla with a very low IQ who doesn't even recognise his friends. Meh.
Great lead into IW however. Very satisfying movie mostly. 8/10


Also saw Infinity War again for my birthday yesterday. This time in normal 2D without the moving seats malarky. Probably will be my favourite of the year. Interested in seeing Captain Marvel especially and what role she will play in the resolution to the first Avengers phase. I have a feeling we will see some bizarre resolution that will explain the end of Robert Downey and other actors in Marvel but not their characters. Probably some strange reboot at the end of Infinity War part 2. Certainly intriguing I think how that will play out.
Already rated IW: 9/10. I stand by it.

Last edited by AndrewG; 22 May 2018 at 13:25.
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