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Old 05 Apr 2018, 05:25   #15
Mega Loafer
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Originally Posted by loaferman61 View Post
If it works like pro wrestling conventions do if you bought a specific "meet and greet" ticket to meet someone who can't or doesn't appear you get the money back you paid for that specific person .... However if you purchase an admission ticket that lets you into the event, you probably won't get that back since that covers general admission to the entire event rather than being tied specifically to one individual scheduled to appear. It is 2 separate tickets one of which is specific and one that is not.
That was my thinking. The entry fee for GA is a relatively small risk, and I would not expect that to be refunded. An additional ticket for a package, ie events tied to a named performer, is different and specific, and I don't see how they could not refund that if they could not fulfill what was listed and thus contracted. Good to get that confirmed in writing though
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