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Old 03 Feb 2018, 03:59   #2
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 16.04.2003
Location: Sheffield UK
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What a disappointing, shallow and lazy interview. It dwelled on Meat's current incapacities because of his back, augmented by stuff from a dozen interviews we've seen. It didn't explore his fight to get it resolved, his burning desire to get back to creating and performing, the fact that despite this and the constant pain he still made a TV series last year. It failed entirely to celebrate all he has achieved and explore the poignancy of the situation he is in, his feelings about the possibility he may not sing on stage again.

Instead it paints a dismal picture in which Meat is somehow a wreck, finished, rather than that of a man brought down by mechanical failure, but still with a head filled with ideas for the future and determined not to go quietly into the night of retirement, but wanting to get back to performing and entertaining. It would be foolish to imagine Meat would have continued the big rock tours through to his 80s .. but still wrong to write him off as done. So, imo superficial and rather dull in that it missed out on so much of what the man still is, and is determined and fighting so hard to be. Given he was invited into Meat's home, at a time when he is in extreme pain, I think the interviewer could have shown more empathy and done him better justice.

His fans know how much Meat wants to get back to working, and I can't believe nothing of this nor of Meat's ideas and hopes came up, or could have if the right questions were asked. If he didn't get the interview he expected the issue is the interviewer, his inability or laziness in not asking the right questions. Faced with a man in extreme and continuing pain, (and looking "frail" as much as anything due to losing a lot of weight but probably in the clothes that fitted before the weight loss I suspect), the interviewer just made a superficial assumption in my view, dwelling on Meat's current physical limitations .. and snarky reference to "thinning hair" and "real-old-duffer's walker" He was so busy writing him off he missed out on the man he was there to interview, his determination, his hopes, all the ideas he has in that head for things he still wants to do, and if he can get his back sorted will do.

I liked the photo though Lovely parody of that photoshoot from a few years ago wearing the metal finger jacket I can hear Meat calling out "Hey Deborah ... get me a fork!!"
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