Thread: Tyce Green
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Old 27 Nov 2017, 21:56   #190
Senior Loafer
Join Date: 19.07.2006
Posts: 131

Originally Posted by mindnick1 View Post then it was a choice to steal the enitre album, and not a "trial" because you did not want to waste your money.
I think this opinion is really bad for business and doesn't let you look good.It might prevent some potential buyers from buying anything from you. I stopped buying magazines where the clerk told me in a harsh tone I couldn't browse all the magazines and then decide to buy them.
I remember Lars Ulrich once said he doesn't need a fan who copies his music. That guy who copies it is still a fan. He is a potential customer, a potential ticket buyer and a potential merch buyer. Maybe he would never buy the music if he never had the chance to listen to the whole thing. And what does one steal who doesn't take anything from you. Do you have less of it now? The term stealing is very polemic in this context. I have bought a lot of music I have copied before. I always had a specific budget for music. I would say I have bought more since copying has become so easy. But I never would have had the budget to buy everything.
I still can become a fan and go to a concert, still generate income for the musicians I like without having bought an album. Copying is actually free promotion!
I certainly prefer streaming services for this purpose, there is still some money going directly to the artists, that's a plus. But I think we have to start embracing the idea that anyone listening to the music can be a worthy fan.
Of course leaking before release is still piracy.
It is ripping you off the chance to determine the right moment to publish the music.
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