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Old 06 Nov 2017, 13:03   #3
Braver than she is 🤔
Join Date: 12.05.2013
Location:  Holland 🇳🇱🌷
Posts: 303

He wrote this. (And he also wrote in another reply that he will have a MRI tomorrow).

“ You are the 1st person I have talked too who was at that show , I don't even talk to the band about that show . I was in so much pain that night , I really don't know how I even stood on that stage . I am truly sorry to you and everyone at that show which has just disappeared from my memory , The only thing I remember is the 3 band members telling me we had to cut 2 of the Encores. I can remember shows from 1977 , The pain that night was excruciating I had 3 doctors back stage telling me before the show I would pass out , like in Edmonton , It wasn't from dehydration like the papers said , it was pain. I did about 10 shows in really bad pain .I send apologies to all the people at those shows , It was a rock and a hard place on what to do . I went ahead and did the shows , I couldn't take pain killers , I have dry throat and they would have made it 10 Times worse on my throat . Most of the tapes are pretty good , I just couldn't move very well . Touring days like that are over but we are still going to Tour , doing a Storytellers Tour. As soon as my back stops hurting and I can get back to working out again . I have lost 77 pounds .The Audiences love that show , They are able to ask me questions. Now after Moose Jaw , I still had promo to do for the Album and the Musical . That tour ended in July , I kept working doing Promo. That is not an easy job. . Oh I got through it , I could take pan killers, Then I had Spinal Fusion on my 69th birthday Sept 27th in LA , it went well , I was feeling better , then a screw came loose so I did a whole series GHOST WARS in pain lost a lot in scenes because Insurance for the Production Co would not cover them with me in certain scenes . So then another surgery Sept 6th . 2017 .. Not looking for sympathy here , really giving out for apologies for failures in the last 10 shows , I am sorry to everyone who was let down , believe me It will never be out of my head. I Send Love and apologies to all . The one thing I can say is that I never gave up on a show and gave everything I had to give , Sorry and Thank You , Meat “
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