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Old 07 Sep 2017, 18:19   #6674
I hope your salmon sucks!
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Originally Posted by Adje View Post
Not a movie. But great news. Colin Trevormore, the guy that made a total mess of Jurassic World, has been fired from Star Wars ep 9.

Jurassic World was an awful movie. No doubt. Bad screenplay and dialogue. But Colin made it horrible by his way of directing. It never got funny or scary because he had no feeling for it. The movie did good at the box office but it was clear that Disney gave him the job because of the financial succes, ignoring his incapability to make a movie interesting. I am happy this guy did another movie (the book of Henry) so there is no denying at how terrible this director is.

Disney fixed their mistake. Jurassic World was easily the worst blockbuster of it's year an one of the worst of this century. JJ Abrahams gave Star Wars back to the fans. How sad would it have been if Colin was allowed to destroy the entire trilogy.

Doubt you can go by JW what Star Wars with Trevorrow could/would have been.

I hated Gareth Edwards' Godzilla. One of the worst monster movies I've ever seen and almost worst movie in the cinema I'd seen till then I'd say. Very Michael Bay-esque (in a bad way). Dumb, stupid, zero character development and very boring. Far worse than JP 3 surely. JW to me was much better than both these monster movies (Godzilla and JP3). To me JW was probably in line with JP2 but more fun and rounded.

However Edwards did an awesome job with Rogue One I thought, proving a director can surely make a movie you do like even if you hated his previous one.
Just sayin'....

I also think it is somewhat bad style to sign someone on for 2 years and then to drop them when production is about to start.

Abrahms should just be doing all 3 in my opinion. Way better than his Star Trek stuff.
TFA was his best movie so far and it was indeed what Star Wars needed.

Signing these directors on so early and tagging production on all so quickly in my opinion isn't necessary.
The franchise easily could have done with the classic 3 years between main movies approach to make it all breathe a bit more and prevent the exhaustion we are seeing with the super hero carry on.

During the mental 10 super hero battle in Civil War at the airport I really thought it was exceptionally childish and I cannot see how more super heroes in one movie can ever be good or worthwhile.

I also don't believe Trevorrow would have done a worse job than George Lucas did himself with the green screen walking & talking, green screen sitting and talking, fart jokes, a bad acting child screaming "it's working, it's working" approaches in the prequels. Think he is getting a lot of hate for no reason of his own. If people really have read his script then maybe I'm wrong, but I doubt it.

I hope Disney at least uses the Trevorrow departure as an excuse to postpone the release of IX till Christmas 2019. 1 1/2 yrs in between really is too soon in my opinion. 2 is bad enough.

BTW a crowd interview with Mark Hamill and his thoughts on TFA actually made me think a little bit different on TFA. He thought it would have been good if the light saber force pulling out of the snow would have revealed Luke Skywalker, who then fights with Kylo Ren. To me that would have actually have been more interesting. Obviously the ending would have had to be a bit different then (I'm thinking Skywalker defeats Kylo Ren but Kylo isn't dead - since this trilogy seems to be about his redemption possibly - Skywalker looks at Rey who is on the other side of the snow because of the starkiller base breaking apart and then looks he disappears with Rey simply saying "Luke" and trying to reach out. You could still then have the map and finding Skywalker's home carry on to some extent. But Hamill's idea was a good point and would have made more sense rather than Rey teaching herself the force so easily. In that regard TFA treats the force as a little bit lame I reckon. But at least not as bad as the prequels with the insane mediclorians stuff. Don't know what Lucas was smoking at that point! Turning the whole Jedi / the force into something physical was disappointing and the Jesus/Anakin born to a virgin mother thing was borderline insane.

Last edited by AndrewG; 07 Sep 2017 at 18:45.
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