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Old 07 Sep 2017, 10:18   #6673
trying to be realistic
Join Date: 28.09.2007
Posts: 1,957

Not a movie. But great news. Colin Trevormore, the guy that made a total mess of Jurassic World, has been fired from Star Wars ep 9.

Jurassic World was an awful movie. No doubt. Bad screenplay and dialogue. But Colin made it horrible by his way of directing. It never got funny or scary because he had no feeling for it. The movie did good at the box office but it was clear that Disney gave him the job because of the financial succes, ignoring his incapability to make a movie interesting. I am happy this guy did another movie (the book of Henry) so there is no denying at how terrible this director is.

Disney fixed their mistake. Jurassic World was easily the worst blockbuster of it's year an one of the worst of this century. JJ Abrahams gave Star Wars back to the fans. How sad would it have been if Colin was allowed to destroy the entire trilogy.

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