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Old 26 Aug 2017, 00:57   #6668
I hope your salmon sucks!
Join Date: 18.01.2004
Location:  Northamptonshire
Posts: 7,077

Unacknowledged (2017)
Utter piece of tosh.
I don't believe in aliens (not the landing in the spaceship ones), nor do I think UFOs are alien space craft. However I am open to theories, always.
But this piece of crap nonsense really takes the biscuit. If you think those with opposite political views might be weird / uninformed or stupid or whatever this seriously is on a WHOLE OTHER LEVEL.
According to the film makers everything is a complete conspiracy and alleged random quotes that people mumbled on their death bed are supposedly solid evidence for the absolutely insane claims they make.
Only the narration from the chicken KFC drug leader Gus Fringe from Breaking Bad made this watchable but a damn shame he was wasting his time on this. Better Call Saul should have just been about Gus Fringe I think. Far more compelling than the weasel lawyer with his irritating brother. At least BCS isn't as bad as this moronic "documentary".

Prescription Thugs (2015)
Good, heart felt documentary critiquing the prescription drug problem in mostly the USA. It is a big problem and such a shame so many innocent people are getting caught up in this. Big pharma should be dealt a decisive blow. Big shame both presidential candidates didn't have this on either agenda (although Trump did mention the lobbying -
but will anything really be done?!!). The Clintons made the problem worse it seems.

Split (2017)
Excellent movie! M. Night Shyamalan is back. Really enjoyed it. Great soundtrack that really comes to life towards the end of the film. Great start to my long weekend watching this for the first time.
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