Thread: Tyce Green
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Old 26 Mar 2017, 04:52   #169
Sound Guy
Join Date: 25.11.2003
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 187

Originally Posted by Michael Marxen View Post
Hero is obviously done with enthusiasm for SteinMeatmusic.
One of its masterminds comes here, explains details and all we do is mostly tear him apart?!

C`mon, lets give Nick a break. I sympasize with all his statements - as much as I sympasize with the acoustic CD.
HOFAH, EIP, IGLHFBOU and FCOL are on heavy rotation for days now. Even more respect to Tyce and Zakk if thats all done in just one take!
The regular CD and Tyce using the high register less so. But probably impossible to touch "our" holy SteinMeat blueprints and keep us satisfied anyhow.

Even if its "just" covers and Jims ("creative consultant") influence might have been overexposed, its a brave achievement.
Thanks Nick and everyone involved! Good luck with spreading Jims genius your way. And thanks for coming here and share insides despite its less than rewarding.

The voice of reason! Thanks so much Michael!!! Love what you had to say, and this project has been a emotional drain on finances and life, for lots of reasons, then i come hear where everyone loves Stein meat and boom i get kicked in the teeth repeatadly for calling people out who have clearly stolen mine and Jims music, blows my mind.... but then your support!!! Thanks so much

The acoustic cd was 100% one take no edits, you can even hear the odd mistake that we did not fix, you can hear the rattle of a snare drum on can here some pitch issues, but none of that matters, the essence of the performances was what mattered....and captured forever.......still to be confirmend is an acosutic private show from NYC April 5th...basisally disc 2 live....anyone who friends me will be able to see it live as i will stream in fb ..negative and over crical people i will just delete....find me....

There are about 20 invites for any local NYC folk who want to come for free so long as you have purchased a cd or download..there is a seat and invite for Jim also...

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