Thread: Tyce Green
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Old 25 Mar 2017, 23:38   #166
Super Loafer
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Originally Posted by mindnick1 View Post
Lets see how many people will openly admit to stealing Meats music?
Me. Flash back to 2006 and the entire Bat 3 album was played on a special radio show before its release. Someone recorded it, shared it on YouTube and I downloaded it. When Hell In A Handbasket was released in Australia six months before anywhere else, I downloaded it again from YouTube. In both cases I still bought the album later.

But i kind of get the new artist thing. I heard Ivy Lavern on the new Rocky Horror heap of sh... She didn't really sing my style of music but i found her album on YouTube so i listened to it...or stole it if you want. I listened to it twice and decided I actually liked a lot of it so tracked it down and bought it. If I hadn't been able to do it or didn't like it, I probably wouldn't have bought it so it swings both ways. If i hadn't been able to listen to it, i wouldn't have bought it. If i listened to it and didn't like it, i wouldn't have bought it. If I had been forced to buy it to hear it and didn't like it there's that wonderful distance selling clause where you can pretty much return anything to Amazon so i would have returned it. So, unless I liked it when i heard it, however i heard it, they wouldn't have gotten a sale.

In a way though, for years our library has had CDs that you can take out the same as books. I haven't taken any out for years, but I used to frequently take out CDs and rip them to my Ipod. Is that any different? I don't really think my local library will be giving out royalties based on the number of times an album is checked out so it's just the same thing.
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