Thread: Tyce Green
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Old 23 Mar 2017, 21:04   #145
Sound Guy
Join Date: 25.11.2003
Location: Los Angeles
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Default streaming

Originally Posted by roomster View Post
Will the album be available in Spotify or Tidal? Its not now...
Sorry but not for a while, we as the Tyce crew and label are strongly against streaming for a new artists, older artists have made their money several times over with Lps. Cassettes, then Cds etc etc, so its fine for them, most of these older artists have been paid 2/3 times over for the same product......if a new artist who is not on a major label streams then that artist barley gets a penny per stream, everyone has to pay bills, imagine splitting a penny with everyone who owns the just would not happen and there would be no album.....if anyone thinks we are making bank on this they are truly mistaken, in fact for most of us involved this is a BILL each month and NOT income!!

We are on a small label with limited resources, so getting the CD in stores overseas is not easy, so its best to order from, however i get it with the shipping if ANYONE wants to buy this through ME directly i will ship it to ANYWHERE in the world for FREE, i think broadway are charging $20 for the double CD, so if anyone wants one PM me and i will work out the i am not running off with your money lol, i have known Andy King for almost 30 years, we met at a Meat show in Harrogate, Lost Boys tour, yes I'm from the UK originally (stockport) and got out to LA many moons ago to play music!! i just want this music to be available as much as possible....

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