Thread: Tyce Green
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Old 12 Mar 2017, 00:56   #113
Super Loafer
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Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post
Couldn't disagree more with that. CHSIB has a few weak moments but several tracks are absolute perfected produced and sung masterpieces. Jim's influence and the tribute to his style are there for sure but it didn't need Steinman imo.
In fact I think Tyce should have gone into that direction rather sing old songs which I just never think can be improved by anyone. It's a bit like the Springsteen tribute stuff. Tons of people have done it and there are really impressive renditions but other than full tribute bands I can't think of anyone who has made an entire career out of singing Bruce's songs other than Bruce himself.

Regardless I hope Tyce makes the most of the opportunities and people enjoy his album but it's not for me after listening to the iTunes previews. Good luck to him and appreciate the effort by everyone involved.
I liked CHSIB, but I think the only song's I've listened to recently that i can remember are basically the first half of it, after that something just seems to drop out, and that's how I felt listening to Hero.

The one thing i actually forgot to add is that on Tyce's Braver, the only parts I think actually make it are Alex's and the song in general would make me want to find out more about her than Tyce, which is why i felt the album lacked a bit. There are parts in Braver in particular - and mostly when the overbearing heavy metal kickdrum section arrives in the second verse through into the second chorus - where Tyce's voice is mostly lost but Alex's still shine's through.

Also the first lines of Braver, the ones that Meat took a lot of stick for on Going All The Way, I think even Tyce slightly struggles not to have an involuntary quivery sound in his voice (and I don't mean the slightly cut off between the verse and bridge), which to me gives Meat even more kudos for being able to pull it off when a much younger singer can only just manage.

LIke i said though, I do like the album, but most of it was disappointingly skip-able...(for me).
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