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Old 26 Feb 2017, 14:13   #489
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Originally Posted by nightinr View Post

As promised I thought I would scribble a few notes about my experience last night.....

Firstly I must add I'm not a regular on the musical scene so I didn't really know what to expect. The Opera House in all honesty is a bit of a dump....I'm sure it was nice 50 years ago but it is in urgent need of a lick of paint and being brought into the 21st century.

It was a packed house and the crowd were all ages from 16-75 - a really nice mix of people.

I was disappointed that Andrew Polec was replaced by Benjamin Purkiss. Apparently this has happened a few times. I overheard somebody saying there was "problems with Andrew" - not sure if that is illness or something else?

Benjamin Purkiss and Christina Bennington gave solid performances -it is obvious they were very musically drilled. They both lacked the high notes Christina especially on Heaven Can Wait but on the whole they gave good performances. I would have liked both characters to be a bit more "rugged"....maybe that's what Andrew brings to the show. Benjamin Purkiss is almost too good looking - I bet he is copping off with every female member of the show!

The real stars of the show was Rob Fowler and Sharon Sexton who gave unbelievable vocal and acting performances. Truly phenomenal especially Rob Fowler.

Also of note was Danielle Steers who gave an incredible performance of 2 out of 3.

Of the show itself it had a great set, great props and the music was fantastic. The songs that I don't always like Meat singing such as Objects, 2outof3, Crying out of Loud seemed perfect for the musical genre. I even enjoyed Who needs the Young (Rob Fowler sang it so much better than Meat!).

The main things thatthe producers need to work on prior to the official opening is the dancing which at times seemed like the local drama school and the attempted comedy....which I didn't find funny at all (nor did the majority of the audience).

I was critical of the show charging £65 for previews, however after seeing the show and approx 25 cast members plus orchestra I can see why they charge so much. I will admit I got that wrong.

Overall it was a great night bringing Steinman music to life. Few things to work on but hoping it ill be a long term success.
My husband said the same thing about the dancing. To be more specific, he said waving your hands above your head (cue his ridiculous demonstration!) isn't dancing. I think he was referring to the dancers in the Paradise scene. I enjoyed the dancing, but it sort of stayed in the background for me as I concentrated on whoever was singing at the time in each scene.

I wouldn't really call the comedy "comedy" but more like quirky, clever lines - but perhaps seeing it from a US background some of it made more sense? I can't remember the exact line, but the one where "home" was in the reply is one example.

I was actually impressed with the Opera House. The seats were nice and plush - we were in Row H in the stalls so had extra legroom – and the carpet in the theatre looked relatively new - well, within the past few years at least - in comparison to the pub-like carpeting on the stairs, etc. We saw Cats last year, but I don't remember being as impressed - it seemed like something was different this time around.

Oh and Ben was definitely an insta-crush for my 13-year-old daughter ... lol
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