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Old 02 Jan 2017, 09:23   #6485
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Originally Posted by Adje View Post
Passengers (2016)

I understand it is meant to be a psychologic morality quest. But the movie failed on so many aspects.

First the movie was very predictable.

But there also were so many issues that make no sense at all. Just to maintain this plot the writers threw every logic overboard. The entire mission set up was so stupid even the toilet cleaners at NASA would shake their heads about it.

And finally the acting was nothing I expected from Jennifer Lawrence. So many 'key scenes' where she looked anything but convincing. Pratt of course can only play one role: Pratt.

I wanted to like this movie. But common sense prevented me from doing so

I actually thought this was ok. Saw it in the cinema yesterday. Gave the 3D version a miss as I just can't be arsed with it anymore.

Some stuff didn't make sense.

Probably needed the following to be more memorable:

Far more character build up of the Laurence Fishburn character, more jokes. An interaction with him and the Michael Sheen bartender character possibly would have been the best acted scene in the whole film yet it was missing totally. Perhaps he should have been injured by the failing ship rather than weird unexplained waking from hibernation sleep malarky. Also the fact the sickbay pod thing can help resuscitate someone but not any of Fisburne's 61 problems made no sense. I would have had him injured terribly during the failing ship. Lawrence and Pratt get him to sickbay but the pod keeps failing because of electricity problems on the ship and then he dies. Pratt gets mad at the ship and this would have highlighted the significance to his later mission which seems a bit unimportant. Perhaps also show the hibernation pods in general are starting to fail etc. given more weight to the 5000 passengers thing...

How Lawrence could remember Fishburne's ID after I think he mentioned it only once was a bit far fetched. Maybe if he had said it 3 or 4 times in the movie, fair enough...

Some robots looked horrendous, for example during the birthday scene. And then they have an android bar tender that is indistinguishable from a human. Hmmm. Quite a few technology inconsistencies in the movie. Also the bartender can whip up any drink for free but Pratt has to make do with designated shit breakfast. Seems weird. Funny but totally unnecessary in the end. Different class passengers system made no sense to me and didn't add anything.

Some type of romantic tagline malarky that the actors kept repeating to make the movie more cohesive and poignant towards the end...
Jennifer Lawrence when she found out what Pratt did "So I saved you?! How could you do this to me."
Pratt should have saved Lawrence during the anti gravity scene Pratt "I saved you."
Lawrence after the blow out scene "I saved you."
Lawrence at the very end during narration when she explains what she eventually chose to do... "So... we saved each other."

Some scenes really reminded me of The Martian and Gravity. This movie borrowed a lot of ideas from other sci fi films for sure.

Other than that I'd rate it 7/10.
Pretty good effects.
The film was pretty much what I expected and I didn't expect too much.

Last edited by AndrewG; 02 Jan 2017 at 09:35.
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