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Old 01 Jan 2017, 19:33   #6483
trying to be realistic
Join Date: 28.09.2007
Posts: 1,957

Star Trek (2009)

JJ Abrahams returned Star Wars to the fans and reinvented Star Trek for a large audience.

Basically Abrahams brought back the original characters, used a few inside jokes and stereotypes as a wink to the fans but most of all took all the boredom out of it.

I understand many Trekkies don't like the reboot. Because in all honesty they are nothing like Star Trek or Next Generation. The reboots are actually fast paced movies instead of those dragging pseudo science nonsense. I never liked the Star Trek movies. They always came across to me as a long tv episode without any extras. Abrahams approached the movies in an entire different way and created a 'larger than life' mythology for the characters and the Star Trek Universe.

Finally Star Trek has become something to enjoy. Thanks to the Steven Spielberg of the 21st Century.

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