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Old 29 Dec 2016, 05:11   #6480
Mega Loafer
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The BFG 2016

A very sweet film, beautifully designed. The dream tree is a sight to behold. Well acted by both main leads although the actress playing Sophie does remind me of Early Hermione from the Harry Potter films from time to time.

The only problem with it for me is there is not a lot of drama to it. Children going missing, snatched from their beds in the middle of the night... you would think there would be grieving parents demanding action, frantic efforts by the authorities to get things under control, or at least give that impression. But no just one small headline. I couldn't massively invest in the mission to stop the giants given that we do not see or really hear about the bad things they do. Also, it doesn't really build to a finale. A series of mildly awkward situations arise and are dealt with largely without any particular challenges or mishaps.

The whizz popping scenes are however very funny and well handled, Penelope Wilton is as expected wonderful as the Queen, and Mark Rylance is moving as the BFG.

But ultimately while it is a nice film and entertaining enough it doesn't make a lasting impact due to the lack of drama.

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