Thread: Patti Russo
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Old 10 Dec 2016, 21:17   #66
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Originally Posted by roomster View Post
Patti sees the world how she sees it. The joining Meat on tour could have been over many years ago (as was planned with last world tour several times). Perhaps she deserved better the last few years I agree but she also had an opportunity for a long time most good singers never get.

It is now and has been (for several years) time for her to move on and stop dwelling on the past. Nothing good will come out of retelling and reselling the "I was fired" story. It happens to countless people and artists each day. It is looking more unlikely each month that Meat will take back to the stage. It is not as if she missed out on large audiences. Perhaps a stable pay check for a few years.

If you really want to make it as a solo artist you need to be 100% focused on that. There is too much completion out there to keep messing about with the getting people to feel sorry for you approach.

In April 2014 I saw an artist live who could stand on her own feet and was just brilliant when she had a great band to help her. Focusing on memoir writing, thinking about the past etc and such stuff might make her feel good but it simply isn't a job, nor will it gain her much recognition (if that is what she still craves).

There are other avenues she could go down (providing singing lessons perhaps) that I just think will be more satisfying than keep wondering what she missed out on for the last 3 years.
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