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Old 10 Nov 2016, 17:55   #28
I hope your salmon sucks!
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Originally Posted by Adje View Post
Yes you are gloating. Nothng wrong with that. You hoped fr this outcome.

I don't mind the electoral voting system. This is how the U.S. does things. Fine.

But it also doesn't mean the California or New York voters are any less than Texan voters. So fact of the matter is that almost 50% of the individuals wanted person A and almost 50% wanted person B. That, no matter how you try to turn it, weigh it, twist it or reason it, makes it a divided country. If you add that the issues have made those vothers stand so far apart from each other and emotions are running high almost everywhere you look makes it worrying. It woud have been worrying if the other candidate had won, it isn't any less worying now.
I understand that but the population density differences are SO VAST across the states if it really only went by popular vote as a reflection of who should win middle America may as well not vote at all.
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