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Old 10 Nov 2016, 17:49   #27
Super Loafer
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Posts: 421

If I may, as someone who swings for the blue team, I would like to offer my two cents.

What some people in this thread are ignoring (or, I'll be a little more charitable, perhaps forgetting) is the role of social media in all this. It's not always about who actually showed up to protest and outcry physically. I don't know about yours, but on my Facebook newsfeed, a lot of (what the young call) butthurt people said the same shit when Obama won and we told them to get over it.

Did they? Is the Pope Catholic? Do bears shit in the woods? (Maybe I should speak a little more directly, I have kind of a sense for the direction this crowd is leaning. Ahem...) They didn't do it immediately. Some of 'em never did. And those people are now using the same opportunity to rub their President-elect in our faces, and we are responding in kind.

Bearing that in mind, I'd like to know what it is some of you are smoking that makes you think it will go any differently now, and can I get some?

You can talk till the cows home about how we all need to band together and hope for the best and "Like it or hate it, he won." Well, they didn't listen when we said it. So, from where I'm sitting, they can be as happy as they wanna be. Meanwhile, until January 20, if we wanna cry and shout our lungs out and post whatever it is that makes us feel better, leave us the hell alone. Some very dark people with very dark leanings are back in full control, and some of us have lives and livelihoods to worry about now, so forgive us if we're not joining you in a chorus of... well... "The Frog Chorus," but there's a very good chance that in the next four (hopefully not eight) years, we won't be standing together as one, because some of us will be well ~~~~ed and far from home.

While I'm here... as long as I bring up four vs. eight... I did find part of Trump's victory speech most interesting and noteworthy. If memory serves, and it was recent so it should, he said, "I look very much forward to being your president, and hopefully at the end of two years or three years or four years, or maybe even eight years... you will say, so many of you worked so hard for us, but you will say that -- you will say that that was something that you really were very proud to do and I can."

Leaving aside the usual incoherence, take note of the nonsensical repetition that robs it of reason: " the end of two years or three years or four years..." I mean, I've never argued he was the brightest bulb on the string, but he does know it's a fixed term, yes? I think it's one of two things: he's either 1) smart enough to acknowledge that his belligerence may result in Armageddon or his being impeached before the end of his first term (to which we respond "NO SHIT, SHERLOCK!"), or 2) indicating when he fails to deliver he'll sneak out (let's call it "quitting under pressure" perhaps) before four years are up and leave Pence to shovel the shit, which, knowing his political leanings, is frankly even worse.
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