Thread: Patti Russo
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Old 26 Sep 2016, 15:04   #43
Super Loafer
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Originally Posted by ThatWriterGuy View Post
"Patti is quite a talented writer, she should write a b --" and then I got the end of the post and realised that, "oh, she is."

Quite a sad read in a way, as she was (and is) obviously going through a horrendous and debilitating time. Though it's quite dispiriting to realise that, through the entire post, the person she's really talking about is Meat. Still, at least it seems to be acting as some kind of a therapy for her. Maybe afterwards she'll be able to leave all of this in the past and move on. I hope so, and she has my best wishes (as does Meat)
I remember seeing the initial fallout of "that email", and remember feeling for them both from different sides of the story. I think possibly the fact it came so soon after Meat's comments on the DVD about how he had been forced to push Patti out once and wouldn't be allowing it happen again made a lot of people instantly side with Patti. There are always reasons, and like I say I genuinely felt bad for both of them. Life isn't a rehearsal and you just have to be ready to improv when it doesn't go as planned. I think they have both managed to do that in one way or another. But fully agree on best wishes for both.
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