Thread: Testify?
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Old 27 Jul 2016, 12:30   #7
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 16.02.2003
Posts: 2,217

It has been that way for me ever since CHSIB.

All these songs should have been bigger or should have been singles:
"Did I Say That?"
"Blind As A Bat"
"The Future Ain't What It Used To Be" should have been a single after Jennifer Hudson won the Oscar for "Dreamgirls"
"The Giving Tree"
"Live Or Die" I think this could be used on "The Walking Dead"
"California Dreamin'" should have been a major new version

HIAHB hit me hardest of all. It was the timing of the album as well, with how the world's been going, and just all the cyber shite that you read, like all the horrible things people were saying online when Whitney Houston died. Meat was a voice for that for me, and that album OMG... I actually don't want to talk about it because it upsets me.
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