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Old 10 Jul 2016, 21:38   #3
Super Loafer
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Originally Posted by Danny L View Post
Now BRAVER THAN WE ARE is just on the horizon and BAT THE MUSICAL is a little bit further away (33 weeks according to my coountdown!) and we know the tracklist for the former, I can't help but wonder what some songs would have been like had Meat done them on his albums. We know the original Bat 3 (Final At Bat?) would have featured soem of these songs we know from demos/Tanz:

Not Allowed To Love
God Has Left The Building
We're Still The Children
What Part of my Boody Hurts The Most?

Some titles we know but never heard:
Paradise Lost
The Monster Is Out Of The Cage
No Lips Hands Or Butts
The Powers Of Darkness

plus there's some old classics that you can't help wonder what they would have beemn like had Meat recorded them ala TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE HEART and MAKING LOVE OUT OF NOTHING AT ALL.

Meat Loaf has however said that he may record WHAT PART OF MY BODY for the BOOH cast album, likely thats been talked about with Jim.

Are there any somgs you are surprised weren't on the Bats/Braver/ML albums?
I think Not Allowed To Love is kind of covered in Braver with the Bridge of More (the I need all the love I can get lines). I think it is one song that lends to a female vocal much more than male so not surprised the full one didn't feature.

I think i agree with those top four being part of the Bat least in some form.

I think the latter four have existed at some time but as some of them were originally called conclusions to Bat1 (when there was talk of climaxes and conclusions a long while back) i think they might have been from so long ago that they have now been recycled in some form in songs already heard (part of me thinks the line "so much of paradise lost, when you add up the cost" from Braver/Going all the way could have arguably been originally a line from Paradise Lost.)

As for songs I would have liked Meat to have done. I kind of feel like in the main he has covered what could/needed to be done from Bad for Good and Pandora's Box (I don't really think Safe Sex or Little Black Book would work lol. Dance in My Pants is a fun song and it was heard live as part of his 88 tour, Stark Raving Love he has done the best bit of with Lost Boys and Golden Girls.)

Making Love would be a good shout out of Bonnie's stuff..again Holding out for a Hero wouldn't really work, Total Eclipse Maybe, Ravishing again not for Meat.

From the musicals, I think they are pretty much covered. Most of Tanz has now been done, and much of Jim's earlier musicals were reused for Bat et al.

There are possibly some that could have been done better (Nowhere Fast expanded to more like the Streets of Fire lyrics, I'll Kill You if You Don't Come Back with a better production, a few of the Bat 3 songs without Desmond Child's involvement).

Possibly some version of Tonight is What it Means To Be Young would have been good for completeness.

I think the main thing i wonder is how many variations and other versions of songs has Jim written over the years that haven't been heard other than those where demos have shown up on his site over the years and on youtube.
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