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Old 14 Jun 2015, 04:13   #6216
trying to be realistic
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Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post
Almost as good as the first. Decent story and finally some monster madness that made some sense. I'd rate it an 8 out of 10.
Just some quotes from your post and, Andrew, I have to ask... What was the excellent part that made you say 'almost as good as the first'?

Was it the great dialogue? The way the characters were written? The storyline?

the following CONTAINS SPOILERS:

Jurassic Park had suspense and good directing and editing to built that suspense. You can't hardly say JW had either of that There was no suspense as everything was predictable, because of the way it was directed.

Jurassic Park, although extremely fictional, made the dinosaurs credible. In this movie we have raptors being trained like puppies, even teaming up with a T-Rex. And of course the raptors betray the human alpha, only to back him up again some moment later.

The characters of Jurassic Park and JW can be put side to side. From the 2 kids (a clear nodd to the original) to the male/female leads, the owner and the bad guy. And if you compare these characters only the children were more or less equal to the original movie. All other characters didn't just fall flat, they were so poorly written and directed that you can hardly empathyse with them.

The only thing that JW had more than JP is dino CGI. And I can understand you and other people enjoyed the special effects action sequences. It's what blockbuster movies are made of today. And that JW did well. It would have been a good Marvel movie, in that matter

But put everything aside, I found the remarks about 'almost as good as the first one' a bit odd. And personally I would give movies only an 8 if it has more to it than just some pretty special effects and action. But again, it's typical for todays blockbuster movies. I just expected you to be someone who at least cared for a decent story and minimal character development. Or can you name at least one character in the movie that wasn't extremely 2 dimensional?

Sorry I sound so harsh but your reply really surprised me.
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