Thread: Patti Russo
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Old 20 May 2015, 15:09   #40
Join Date: 15.02.2011
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Posts: 2,027

My little review....

So the day started for me not too well, after hitting Lincoln until the early hours I was very hungover and after little sleep it was time to travel to Leeds, no matter though it was gig day, crack on troops. After arriving in Leeds, trecking along a dual carriage way whilst singing Goldfinger, and having a cheeky Nando's with the lads + Lucy it was time to see Ms. Russo.

The support act came on first, entitled "Fay and Latta", very good acoustic band with a great catalogue of their own songs and a few covers, a great start to what was about to come.

Then came the main event, the tour-de-force herself... Ms. Patti Russo. Staright into Bible and a Beer woth a voice as powerful as 2 Typhoon's taling off to intercept Russian aircraft (although much better for a hungover Sebastian). A great young band behind her with our own Rick Henry on the drums. She just kept coming at us with songs such as: "Here we are, One Door, don't let them put out the flame, Alabama Shakes Hold On, Madaline and a few more"' an amazing performance and what a voice, if you haven't seen her get out and see her when she comes back!

After the show she came out and greeted us all, had picutres and signed autographs, and thanked us for coming out, a couple of us lucky fans rven got a kiss.

Eventually it was time to say goodbye to everyone again, and myself amd Guy had a train to catch, that being the Jagertrain, which eventually got us to our hotel at 5AM!

Cracking night, troops. Until next time!

Last edited by Sebastian.; 20 May 2015 at 15:22.
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